by Apr 27, 2017Uncategorized52 comments

If admonition is medicine to the soul, what does jokes and gossips do? Sharing jokes excites our emotions, and help us forget our bad memories, and that’s for a moment! However, words of encouragement works like energy pills that can give us the strength that we need to overcome the obstacles that lay between us and our objectives. Yes, they are like gracious words, which are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Prov 16:24

Having read YWAW posts, Felipe has this to say: “You have touched some nice points here. Any way keep up writing. I love what you guys are up to. This sort of clever work and coverage! Keep up the good works guys I’ve incorporated you guys to blogroll…I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers…”

In responding to a post another frequent reader said, “Thanks for sharing this thought what an eye opener to developing projects. “Ultimate success depends on our ability to explore our resourcefulness when resources fail”. This is a guiding thought..” -Ishola B

What do you often share? How often do you share jokes or funny videos? You complain of not having internet data to read motivating posts but you frequently download and share funny videos and fake or bad news. Yes, you may not be good at writing but you can share admonishing posts of others, perhaps a hopeless or disillusioned neighbour would get consolation, live and be energized!

‘In a world where challenges abound, it’s easy for us to feel discouraged.  The thought of giving up is always present in our minds just because there is no one we can turn to for words of encouragement.  Everyone is too busy with his own affairs.  This makes forget our moral obligation to each other being a part of a family or society.’

Perhaps you have been so used to bad and demoralizing news that you don’t think anything good is still happening around you. In the midst of the heartbreaking news around the world are news of achievements, innovations and successes. You frequently hear of news of recession, embezzlement, terrorism and death, but how often do you read news of economic booms and financial abundance in many quarters?

There are so many platforms like, YWAW (Yes we are winning) blog that provides informative, encouraging and motivating articles that can energize you to achieve your life purpose and focus on possibilities. The choice is yours! Now grateful to her parents, another blogger shared her thoughts on one of the posts, “I didn’t listen to them, unfortunately, even though my parents were telling me about this for a long time…right on your posts I got the needed info to know this.”

Just a click on any YWAW posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and whats app, you will read and share practical life tips and articles relating to current affairs. Someone desperately needs your help. Join the winning team and spread hope to the hopeless.

To share, scroll to the bottom of the post and click any of the social media icon of your choice, and send to your contacts. You can also register, read amazing comments, and tell your own story to encourage others. Yes, we are winning!




  1. porn

    Thanks for your article. It is unfortunate that over the last decade, the travel industry has had to handle terrorism, SARS, tsunamis, influenza, swine flu, and the first ever true global economic downturn. Through everything the industry has proven to be sturdy, resilient along with dynamic, finding new methods to deal with hardship. There are generally fresh difficulties and possibilities to which the industry must once again adapt and respond.

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