by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Jun 15, 2018 | Uncategorized |
The Zuma Rock is sad!
The zuma rock located in madalla town of Niger state is an amazing sight to behold. The rock which stands ostensibly along the Kaduna-abuja highway at a height of about 730 meters above the ground is a monolithic crystalline igneous rock with a very steepy slop that makes it inaccessible to unequipped mountain climbers.

Situated at the border town between Niger state and FCT and its location is being an object of contention as it is being used as the major symbol of the Abuja landscape owing to its proximity to Abuja. Although, located at the North of Abuja and surrounded by many other rocks at a considerable distance, the magnificence of this rocks makes it visible from any part of FCT.
As we drove past the gigantic rock I couldn’t help but gazed upon it with keen interest. As a member of the rock and hammer family, such natural phenomena always feeds my curiosity. My attention was especially drawn to the human face that looks somewhat like a man with a sad countenance.
I believe this shape was a result of weathering over a long period of years. However, having being concerned about the failure of our government to properly harness our abundant and economically viable natural resources, I seriously think Zuma rock is sad!
The battered and sad countenance of that portion of Zuma rock to me is a reflection of my mood and I believe also those of many innovative, patriotic and enterprising Nigerians who continue to lament the utter neglect of our potentially viable natural endowments, vis-a-vis the eco-tourism potentials.
The rock which derived its name from Zuma or “Zumwa”, which means “the place of catching Guinea-Fowls”, is believed to habor many strong evil spirits which are being worshipped and adorned by the people of Gwari, who had also relied on its defensive prowess in times of war.
Could it be that the speculations about the activities of evil spirits is the reason why there has been no visible and lasting development around this rock? Conspicuously so. The only visible developments around the rock are abandoned structures: a hotel and housing estate to be precise. Could this phenomenon be the reason why the government and private investors have not made zuma rock a tourist attraction center. Search me!
In spite of the historic diabolical stories told about this rock, I believe, more tourist attraction activities need to be promoted in order to attract more visitors, and investors, both local and foreign, and thus serve as a source of Internal generation revenue (IGR) for the state. I do believe that whatever the government decides to do, it certainly can be done as long as there’s the will to do it.
We are blessed with huge natural resources, many of which are not explored. The relevant authorities should promote, as well as create the enabling environment for private investors to develop the ecotourism potential of our beautiful country in order to reduce dependency on Crude oil.
We are a blessed nation. Let’s put Madalla and other tourist potential areas on the world map, and make our nation an endearing tourist destination.
You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | May 5, 2018 | Uncategorized |
His imperial majesty, the king, is enlightened, well educated, a lover of history. He is intelligent, curious, articulate, pragmatic and with a deep sense of humor; an entrepreneur and most importantly, an African to the core.
Two hours is more than magnanimous to spend with the King, His Imperial majesty, the Ooni of Ife Kingdom, Ojaja II, in his living room and wrapped in the ecstasy of insightful discussion on the rich history of the African race and with much emphasis on the Yoruba dynasty.
It was an amazing time with the zestful and visionary King, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Adewusi, who occupied the most powerful throne of the Yoruba tribe at the age of 41. He gave a vivid exposition about the origin of the human race, the significance and nobility of the black race, and especially the Ife Kingdom.
It was very interesting to have my Jewish colleague speak about the Jewish race, Judaism and its relevance to the plan of God for the end time. He mentioned that the jewish temple sacrifices are on hold now until the temple is re-built, and that the Jewish race is eagerly awaiting their final salvation when the Messiah returns. This wasn’t new to me but I was pleased to hear it from a Jew.

The King talked briefly about the powers of the throne, and the sovereignty of God. He spoke very convincingly and with enthusiasm the significance of the black race to the world, the uniqueness of the black color and the divine endowment on the black people.
In talking about Africa, he said, Black is the original color from which other colors are derived. Hence, black is a combination of all other colors. He further said that black is the only color with no shades; there’s neither light black or deep black, black is black. This unique feature of black makes the African race a unique race and the predecessor of nobility. This is proudly true!
In promoting the African continent, the king said that nature has so much endowed the black descent that tropical African can boast of the best of everything: The best and conducive weather, the best natural vegetation, the best crude oil and bitumen, the best human capital to mention a few. He also submitted that the biological organs of the blacks are the best.
Furthermore, he said that these natural blessings are reasons why we are not susceptible to natural disasters like earthquakes, Tsunamis, and all kinds of devastating natural phenomenon that plagues the western world.
Also, he alleged that the Yoruba kingdom has proven to be the location of the Garden of Eden. This he alluded to an ancient Yoruba name for the Yoruba kingdom, called “Edena”, meaning the origin of man, that is, where man was formed. The verity of these claims stands to be ascertained though, as my Jewish friend thinks more evidences are required to prove that Eden and Noah’s ark are in Africa and not Israel.
It was informative to hear that that the origin of the Ethiopians can be traced to the Ife Kingdom. He opined that the “Anu” people of Ethiopians and Egypt may may have originated from Ile-ife, and that the Garden of Eden can be traced to the Ife kingdom, which is the source of the Yoruba race. Although, he said there are ongoing researches to authenticate these submissions, however, these claims are worth a mention.
In my opinion, there’s so much powers, primarily traditional and of course mystical, that is associated with the throne, especially of such hereditary title and influential cultural position, I don’t doubt that the spiritual experiences and the powers at the disposal of the king could constantly conflict with his christian beliefs.
I agree that it is a difficult feat to be able to manage Christianity and the traditional beliefs especially of someone of his position. However, the truth cannot be changed. Every other powers must bow to the name of Jesus Christ, because God has exalted him so, and by virtue of his sacrificial death on the cross, in which he washed away our sins once and for all, he has supremacy over principalities and powers.
I pray for the king that he will have a deep revelation of the true God, and would continue to be a blessing to his kingdom and the world at large.
Long live the King! Kabiyesi ooo!!!
We are winning! Yes, we are winning!
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Why I think the queen of Sheba was from Ethiopia
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Apr 28, 2018 | Uncategorized |

There is something interesting about the Sea of Galilee which I consider worthy of emulation. It would amaze you how this lesson can help open your life to happiness and vitality.
The River Jordan flows into both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The water simply passes through the Sea of Galilee in and then out always. This phenomenon keeps the sea healthy and vibrant, and teeming with marine life.
On the other hand, the Dead Sea takes water from the same River Jordan and holds it. It does not give and as such it has no life in it! Thus, it becomes a body of stagnant water devoid of marine life.
There’s no doubt that some people are like the Dead Sea which receives the good things of life but never give out. We all need to be a bit like the Sea of Galilee. If we are fortunate to get wealth, knowledge, love and respect, we must learn to give same, else we could all end up like the Dead Sea.
The love and respect, the wealth and knowledge we have could all evaporate like the water in the Dead Sea. True happiness is found in sacrificial giving of one’s life in the service of humanity. We brought nothing into this world and we will exit with nothing!
In the words of Ben Carson, “Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” You need to quit the Dead Sea mentality and make sure that in the sea of your own life, you have outlets, many outlets for love and wealth, and everything else that you’ve got.
Make sure you don’t just get, give too! Open the taps of your life and you’ll open the floodgates to happiness and vitality. Even in your lack, there’s something you can give!
I am always spurred by the words of Winston Churchill on giving: he said, “We make living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. Start giving today, and start living.
As noted in my previous article titled: Mr. SOLO AND THE BLANK CHEQUE, every blessing God gives you must meet the needs of people,and cause an overflowing expression of thanks to God. Givers never lack!
You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Apr 22, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Blame it on a failed security apparatus, the incidence that led to the loss of the mace is not only embarrassing but also unfortunate and treasonable. By this act, Nigeria, again lost her democracy but found it within 24 hours because the caretakers are careless and many of them believe their personal interests supersedes the interest of the people.
The mace, the symbol of authority and democracy, forcefully hijacked and stolen by a 5-man thug at the upper chambers of the legislative arm during a session of the Senate on Wednesday 18th, 2018 has been found under an Abuja flyover and returned to the national assembly after 24 hours.
As at the time of filing this report, the perpetrators of this dastardly act have not been apprehended after they beat the porous security apparatus of the National Assembly, which is supposed to be one of the secured places in the country.
Let me mention that the hijacking of the mace is a re-occurrent phenomenon. A feat that seem to be the most appropriate weapon in the hands of aggrieved politicians to threaten our growing democracy anytime they deem fit.
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Apr 1, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Anyone who dies is naturally buried in a tomb where his body is left to decay and return to the dust from which he was formed. Likewise, this man died but was buried in a tomb he hired only for few days.
Some old persons approaching their life’s end would usually chose their final abode, and possibly the type of burial they prefer. Some would specifically give instructions about how and where or when they should be buried. Some others would build their own tomb in anticipation of death.
But this was not the case of this man who borrowed his own tomb because he knew he was only going to be buried for a few days. It wasn’t because he could nor afford a tomb, rather he chose to hire for He had already planned that his death was only temporarily.
He offered to die for a purpose and he was buried for the purpose of achieving a task which he was going to accomplish within three days. He subjected himself to death in order to liberate those who were bound by sin and death; and those constantly living with the fear of death. And when he was done; he exited the tomb and rose to life to offer salvation to anyone who would appropriate his grace.
In reality, everyman who dies, dies for resurrection. I mean, death is only a temporary phenomenon after all, although it is the event that ends man’s existence here on earth, but it is his transition to eternity. In essence, all who dies physically shall shall resurrect either to life or to eternal death.
When He raised Lazarus from the dead, Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25–26).
Christ’s resurrection saves us from eternal separation from our creator. If Christ never took another breath, never left the tomb, never appeared to his disciples, and never ascended into heaven — if he never lived again — then we would never stop dying.
If he had remained in the grave like other men who died, then we would carry our sin, our shame, and our pain through the grave into something far worse than death — if Jesus had not risen from his grave. If his final breath on the cross had been his final breath. And if we never stopped dying, fear would rule our short and hopeless lives.
But death could not stifle his breath. “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Our King borrowed the tomb for three short days before securing his victory over death forever. And his victory is our victory if we are willing to die with him into everlasting life.
His life, death, and resurrection may never cease to be a controversy till the end of this age. But like a hymn writer wrote, “I need no other argument, I need no other plea; It is enough that Jesus died, And that He died for me. Enough for me that Jesus save, This ends my feat and doubt; A sinful soul I come to Him, He’ll never cast me out.”
Provisions for salvation from eternal judgment is completed. It’s now up to you what you chose! You are winning! Ye, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Mar 31, 2018 | Uncategorized |
“I survive because the fire inside me burn brighter than the fire around me.” -Joshua Graham. There will always be challenges and difficulties, but those who stand out are those who have inculcated the attitude of surviving against all odds.
To survive the economic hardship in our country, it behoves on us to be resourceful and explore every legitimate opportunities that would make us financially independent. For this, The Inverter Foundation is providing an empowerment platform through skills acquisition program.
Skills acquisition is the ability to learn or acquire skills. It involves the development of a new skill, practice of a way of doing things usually gained through training or experience. It can also be defined as the ability to be trained on a particular task or function and become an expert in it.
What I have come to realize is that if individuals are given the opportunity to acquire relevant skills needed for self sustenance in the economy, it will promote their charisma in any work environment, it will boost their self esteem, it will enhance their ability to achieve success, and it will help in improving their overall quality of general life performance.
Skill Acquisition is a leeway to tackle unemployment especially among the young ones, and that is why a reasonable and serious government will make Human Capacity Development a top priority in her agenda and NOT road patching, bridge construction, borehole construction etc!
Will you like to learn how to make any of these (Duvet, TyeDye, Groundnut, Zobo, Snacks, Bead Making, Headgear and Makeover) for free.
Address : 18B, Fadiya Street, off Demurin Road, Ketu – Lagos, Nigeria.
Date: April 16th-20th
What are you waiting for? Register by sending your name, location & Skill you want to acquire :07060515341 or 07089372501
This program is meant for Ladies ONLY!
Check flier for more details!
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