by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Jan 1, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Finally, we have arrived at the Fair haven, a place of safety; a shelter, a temporary abode to wait for a favorable wind. We have arrived to a new year we have so much anticipated. The new year usually offers ecstatic and reassuring experiences for lots of people.
Many of us have looked forward to a new year which we believe should normally afford us a break from our painful or unfavorable pasts. We have eagerly hoped for another year where we can start again, adopt new strategies, and re-fire our passion to succeed.
Crossing over to a new year is usually with great expectations in which we hope that our condition would look better, and we would take up new opportunities, and start again in the areas where we had not faired well. And gladly, we have come from there to here; we have reach the fair haven.
In many of our organizations, both religious and secular, we promote themes of hopes and uncommon prosperity. Many people take advantage of the last hours of the outgoing year to make new resolutions, as well as ensure that they pray into the new year and receive prophetic declarations from God’s oracles.
Individuals and families sets new targets, and goals for the new year. Businesses raise the bar on achievements and successes of the company. Retreats are organized to strategize on how to achieve greater feats and profitability in the new year.
It is good to note that in spite of our fair haven and optimistic dispositions, that challenges and difficulties are sure to abound as good opportunities would. In fact, more often than none, those hard times would usually birth for us greater glory as long as we are courageous enough not to give in to defeat.
Therefore, we should not dismiss the fact that as the earth approaches its nadir, terrible hard times shall come, and sufferings would increase world over. Political unrest, terrorism, famine and poverty, wars and rumors of wars, wanton destruction of lives and properties by stone-hearted men, religious intolerance, and all manner of evil will be on the increase as we approach the end of all things.
The experience of Apostle Paul and his team gives more insight into what a fair haven is: He reported, “After sailing slowly for many days, we arrived off Cnidus. When the wind impeded us, we sailed to the lee of Crete, opposite Salmone. After we had moved along the coast with difficulty, we came to a place calledFair Havens, near the town of Lasea.” Acts 28:7-8.
The past years may have been very difficult for you, and you have longed for a fair haven, a place where you can have a relieve from the pains of struggles. You have anticipated a political paradigm shift, a new Government, or a new policy that would make life better . Your are welcome to 2018, a fair haven of some sort.
While we continue to face the realities of our times, we should also be certain that goodness and Mercy, fulfillments and prosperity, growth and accomplishments, resounding successes and excellence will continue to abound. Many will fall and many will rise, as strength of character will be tested by prevailing difficulties.
However, many who have anchored their hopes on the unchanging God would remain unperturbed even in the midst of world calamities. Those who would inculcate a winning attitude would stay afloat in the ocean of life.
Like sailors, we must make the best of the wind as we voyage through the ocean of this world. When the winds are contrary, we must be getting forward as well as we can. In the words of Matthew Henry, “Many who are not driven backward by cross providences, do not get forward by favorable providences.” Absolutely true!
Year 2018 may be a fair haven for you; a get away from the stress, disappointments and difficulties of 2017. But be rest assured that every fair haven is not a safe haven. The only safe haven is found in the creator of your life, yes, the bishop of your soul.
A little child was asked to recite The popular Psalm 23, and she began by saying, “The Lord is my Shepherd I have all I need.” Yes, when you make him your shepherd, you will have no need to fear the terror that is imminent on the world.
Welcome to year 2018, a fair haven, where things will be well sorted for your wellbeing and prosperity only if your soul is anchored on the unfailing and indefatigable God. Like i said in one of my piece, TESTED & PROVED! SEE THE ANCHOR THAT CAN SURVIVE THE MOST TEMPESTUOUS STORMS!, You will stand strong when your hope is in the unshakable; when your anchor grips the solid rock and not an unstable phenomenon.
You are winning; yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Dec 28, 2017 | Uncategorized |
There’s a long and sacred history of the use of “X” to symbolize the name of Christ, which is the reason Christmas is written as “XMAS”. Although, this may not be intended to disrespect the person of Christ, yet, I do have my reservations. I think It doesn’t give a proper representation of the word “Christ” IN CHRISTMAS.
The use of abbreviations has become so popular especially with the advancement of the new media. We live in a jet age; everything is done in a rush; we hardly have any time to waste even in writing.
The fact is if you don’t learn about words and abbreviations you might miss out on certain information. Common examples include “sup”, meaning ‘what’s up? “Lol”, laughing out loud. “Brb”, be right back, “Asap”, as soon as possible to mention a few.
More recently, in the Christian parlance, abbreviation of some important words have become widely acceptable. Such words like: ” IJN”, which means “In Jesus Name”, “GBU”, to mean “God bless you”, and so on.
By the way, this article may be one of a controversial piece, but I intend to generate thoughts that would further enlighten my curiosity about the symbol used for Christ. This article is not a complete piece, as I seek to continue to research on the verity and acceptability of the abbreviation used for Christ in Christmas.
The Greek letter Chi or X in English is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in Christmas (i.e Xmas). When fused within a single typespace with the Greek letter Rho, it is called the labarum which was a military standard (vexillum) that was first used by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great. The idea was to superimpose the first two letters of the word Christ or Χριστός, in Greek.
Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ) (☧) consisted of a flag suspended from the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to symbolize the crucifixion of Christ, and used to represent the person of Jesus Christ. Later on a wreath was added to symbolize Christ’s victory over death. Thus, if ☧(with a wreath around it) is a symbol adopted for Christ crucifixion, does it literally represent the name “Christ”? Search me!
X (named ex /ɛks/, plural exes[1]) is the 24th and antepenultimate letter in the modern English alphabet. The “X” comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, which in English is “Christ“.
My worry is, If the symbol ☧ is only the first two letters of the word “Christ” (that is, CH or Χρ ), then I don’t see how that is a complete representation of Christ in “Christmas”. And if the superimposition is thought to be true, was Christ crucified on an X-shaped cross? And so, why did the early traditions adopt the Chi-Rho as an abbreviation for Christ?
Since Chi is X, then I think Christmas should be written as Chi-mass, or X-mas (named ex /ɛks/mas). I am not schooled in Greek, but I don’t think the word “Christ” is ideally represented by the use of just X (or Chi-Rho) as a replacement. Chi-Rho might as well represent other things.
Inquisitively, the Christian cross, seen as a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus, is the best-known symbol of Christianity. The basic forms of the cross are the Latin cross (✝) and the Greek cross (✚), with numerous variants used in text, visual art, heraldry, and in various confessional contexts.
Again, why was X considered the symbol of the cross of Christ, and not ✚ or ✝? Oh, because that’s what is found in the Alphabets, and means cross? Arguably, there are various shapes of the cross used for capital punishment in those days. The truth is whichever shape of the cross Jesus was crucified on has nothing to do with the verity and sufficiency of His sacrifice.
Having said that, I do know from the history of Christian tradition that Apostle Peter was crucified upside down at his own request, since he saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus. That makes the shape of his cross and inverted one.
Who was crucified on an X-cross? Early texts, such as the Acts of Andrew known to Gregory of Tours, describe Andrew as bound, not nailed, to a Latin cross of the kind on which Jesus is said to have been crucified (that is ✝); yet a tradition developed that Andrew had been crucified on a cross of the form called crux decussata (X-shaped cross, or “saltire”).
From this school of thought, one could conclude that it was Andrew, not Jesus that was crucified on an X-shaped cross. Then, why is the X used as a representation of the cross of Christ? Even though X could mean “cross”, as well as represent the first letter of the word Christ in Greek. However, does this abbreviation truly represent Christ.
For instance, my name is GreatMark. But does GR fully represent me? Besides, GR might mean several things. I’m still wondering! Therefore, X may have been an acceptable representation of the word “Christ” for hundreds of years. But, I don’t seem to agree with the use of this as an ideal representation of “Christ” in Christmas.
I recall that the same letter, Chi (X) can be calculated in the Four-figure table as χ² (X-squared) which is used to compare the distribution of a categorical variable in a sample to another sample. So, does this also means Christ-squared? And also, the symbol Rho (ρ)is used in the physical sciences to represent: Densities: mass density, air density or charge density (ρ) Resistivity (ρ) Rho meson (ρ+, ρ−, ρ0).
Therefore, the same Greek alphabets which is considered as the first two letters of Christ can also be used to represent chi-squared and density, even though the two letters are super-imposed to mean the crucifixion of Christ (that is☧), why not superimpose the Rho (ρ) on ✚, which is the true symbol of the cross of Christ?
As a student of English, I am mesmerized by the pliability of “X.” alphabet. The same letter that is used to represent the sacred name of Christ in Xmas is also used in other parlance as, the profane (in “rated X”), as well as the unknown (“X-ray“, or to find the unknown in a mathematical equation). Likewise, in Biology, X is used to represent Chromosomes, called the X-chromosomes.
In my opinion, I do not see any correlation between Xmas and Christmas. The alphabet “X” doesn’t represent “Christ” in the true sense of the word. Therefore, “X” cannot mean the same as “Christ” in the word Christmas!
Whether it dishonors Christ or not, I would rather write Christmas, and not as Xmas, not even for the purpose of abbreviations. I see the true essence of Christmas when the “Christ” is conspicuously written. Therefore, I would say, there’s no Xmas! It is Christmas, a celebration of the birth of the savior of the world –Jesus Christ!
Christmas symbolizes victory of death. Christ is the reason for the season. You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Dec 22, 2017 | Uncategorized |
Distressed by the weight of his afflictions and frequent disappointments, brother Jethro, a devout follower of ‘The Way’, stripped naked before the bishop of his soul in a heart-rending confession that would later bathe his mind in the streams of his mercy.
In a cry of anguish, he opens up the burdens that were hitherto locked up in his heart alone. He spoke out perhaps to dismiss the anxiety that has mounted severe pressure on his mind and emotions. He said in a naked prayer, “…it looks like I am beginning to give in to pressure; and am being squeezed in every way by the reason of my challenges.”
He continued, …”It seems to me that the promises I have anchored on is making no sense again! I’ve got more questions than answers, and depression is weighing me down. I don’t feel like praying but I want to pray. And even if I struggle to pray, will the answers come? And if it doesn’t meet my expectations, how long shall my answers be outstanding? God, please talk to me!, he alarmed!
Like brother Jethro, everyone of us desperately need to have someone who is trust worthy and is able to share our pains and help us. Yes, someone who is able to understand the deep issues that is etched on the table of our heart! Someone to whom we feel vulnerable and we are not ashamed to bare our minds on issues that troubles us.
The truth is, no matter how intimate, and amiable a friend is, he or she cannot be as dependable and sacrificial like the one who fashioned our being, and sustains our life. His love and compassion is like no other.
A devout and wise King made an experiential statement that amazes me always, and I consider it very true. He said, ” If I say the darkness will cover me, and the night will be the only light around me, Even the darkness is not dark to You and conceals nothing from You. For you form my innermost parts…” (Psalm 139)
Having felt the pains of disappointments even from loved ones, and having suffered heartbreaks from those who seemed to care, I cannot but advise that there’s no need to brood over past failures and be locked up in the feelings of distrust and isolation.
Likewise, there’s no need hide from the obvious, covering yourself with darkness and obscurity before the one who formed you in your mother’s womb, and to whom your life is bare. Just like I said in my article WHO WORRY HELP?, learn to give your fears to God and turn your worries into prayers.
In the words of T.D Jakes, “There’s no need for sanctimonious misrepresentation of who we are! We no longer need to live under the strain of continual camouflage. Neither flagrant or flamboyant, we are naked before Him in the same sense that a man sprawl’s naked on the operating table before a surgeon…whether the doctor finds good or evil, what is there is there, and the man’s comfort lies on the conviction that the surgeon possesses the wherewithal to restore order to any area that may be in disarray.”
If we would feel neither embarrassed or boastful when we are stacked naked before a surgeon who would attempt to restore us to health, how come we easily think and act like we can hide in obscurity to the extent that we shut God out of our life issues, and continue to struggle with ourselves? I think when an equipment is faulty, the best help we can get is from the manufacturer and not a copycat.
The truth is, there is a certain tightness needed to cause faith to be secreted. Your situation might be a tool in God’s hand to provoke a miracle that would endear you to His loving disposition. Therefore, don’t hide from him, rather strip yourself naked before Him in humility and devotion, like brother Jethro.
Discard what you don’t need so you can activate what you need. Get rid of your deceit, self-righteousness, self-pity, and aggrandizement. Slip the spirit of heaviness off your shoulders and let the cool waters of God’s promises rinse the residue of your hurtful pasts. Strip yourself to nothing but prayers, let your request be lifted to God in passionate supplication and unwavering faith.
God knows who you are more than the knowledge you have of yourself. He cares far more than you think or imagine. An adage in my local tongue says, “A dead man does not hide from those who would dress him.” Therefore, the only way you can dress up for God, like brother Jethro, is to lie before Him as a naked offering at the alter of naked prayer!
Brother Jethro realized that God cannot cleanse what he did not expose, therefore, he bared his heart in naked prayers. He now stands in the rains of his grace to declare thus, “I know that God is faithful. I also do know that His plans for those who trust Him are good and not evil, to give them an expected end. This is a promise of God that will never change!”
My friend, there’s no need to try and hide behind a finger, it’s useless to continue to dwell in the past and bottle up anger against God. Speak up and dismiss it! Strip naked before the giver and sustainer of your life. He has a plan -He’s going to turn the mess into a miracle. You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Dec 20, 2017 | Uncategorized |
An ungrateful man would think there’s actually nothing to be thankful for. Whereas there are many blessings he can be grateful for even though he often forgets that for him to even think of this means his senses are at work which of course is something to be grateful for.
Ordinarily, one would have considered the realities on ground before reckoning that there’s really nothing to celebrate or be thankful for; and that’s common sense, at least it makes sense! The rationale behind an ungrateful act is first the obvious absence of the good things of life.
But come to think of it, there are so many physically fit men and women out there who are out of their senses: some are roaming the streets while others are chained down at psychiatric homes. Many of them are wealthy, and probably would have been more grateful if they were thinking straight like you.
You need to consider reasons why you should be grateful in spite of your present circumstance. Your ingratitude might stem from the obvious: your are broke; out of job; lost a loved one, or sick. Whatever the unfavorable condition you’re in, one reason not to be ungrateful is that you can even complain is that you can even complain about some predicaments. Therefore, one reason to be grateful for is the fact that you’re even thinking you don’t have a reason to.
Those who are dead would have loved be alive to manage even a worst situation than yours if they had the chance to live. They would have preferred to stay alive and go through the temporary difficulties because they know that when there’s life hope can survive it.
What are you thankful for? As long as there’s life, you should appreciate where you are and be content with who you are. And as you strive to achieve greater things in life, you should do so with thankfulness to God who makes all things beautiful in His time.
There is at least one reason to be grateful for each day. Look within, look around, consider and remember the blessings that surrounds you. You are definitely better than millions of people in this world. Yes, I may not understand what you are passing through. Of course I know it is not easy, and that is the reason you think you are justify to curse God for your ‘miserable’ life.
The life you consider not worth living is a delight of some people who do not even have a chance to read an article like this. At least you have a phone, laptop, and internet to surf the web. Some don’t even know what that is. Have you considered if you had to pay for the air you breathe even in your poverty. You have been out of job for the most part of this year, yet you have never for once received a bill for the air you breathe. Isn’t that a good reason to be grateful?
You had a great aspiration for this year, and now it is ending and yet you have no good result to show for all your efforts and hustles. Yea, right! I know it has been difficult to sustain your family, and you have a pilled up electricity bill, and the electricity company have even disconnected your power. What if God disconnected the air you breathe because you are unable to pay for it?
I know you are not happy, but you should be grateful that you survived the temptation to commit suicide, some couldn’t. You should be thankful that you survived the hardship because same consumed many people, and made others miserable! My friend, consider, count your many blessings and be grateful. I can go on and on to prove to you that you are very inconsiderate to think you don’t have reason to be grateful
Before his death, a father wrote his son a letter whose words impacted deeply upon the young son. He wrote, “God means us to delight in his world. It isn’t necessary to know botany or zoology or biology in order to enjoy the manifold life of nature. Just observe. And remember. And compare. And be always looking to God with thankfulness and worship for having placed you in such a delightful corner of the universe as the planet Earth.”*
Dear friend, thinkless about how bad it has been. Rather, sing into the wind song of gratitude. Even if it is out of tune, don’t care, just sing aloud in appreciation to your maker and sustainer. Count your many blessings and name them one by one, and you will see that God indeed has been faithful to you.
What are you grateful for? Make a list. There are probably many things you didn’t get done, and many things you have left to do before the year winds up. But, rather than whine, isn’t it appropriate to relax, and just thank God for the things, even the little things that you know He brought you through. Think, Thank and be grateful.
Like I noted in my article, CHORUS OF COMPLAINT: AN EVER-TRENDING TRACK, Stop the chorus of complains; sing: ‘For God has triumphed gloriously…”( Ex15:1). Create the change through Praise. Be optimistic, be the change! You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
*Source: Reported in Philip Yancey, Soul Survivor (Hodder & Stoughton, 2001).
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Dec 19, 2017 | Uncategorized |