Why I Didn’t Drop Out Of School -Abigail Musa

by Mar 9, 2021Articles, Empowerement0 comments

“The hope of becoming a University undergraduate would have been dashed had it been The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation didn’t offer me scholarship.

As we commemorate the international Women’s day I wish to offer My sincere Appreciation to the foundation for paying my tuition fee and other logistic fees without which I would have dropped out of school. I pray the LORD will continue to make ways for the foundation and her sponsors and donors.

Nigeria has the highest number of dropouts in the world

I got to discover this great foundation through a friend. She told me about the foundation because she follows them on Instagram. She told me how they advocate and support the education of many students, orphans, and also provide skills acquisition etc.

So, I went to their page on Instagram, made a contact, and to my surprise I got a reply from them that same day after telling them my story. I really want to use this medium to appreciate the foundation for putting smile on my face, and their great work in the life of indigent students and needy. GOD will never put them to shame.

” I am a woman, I #chosetochallenge.

Abigail Musa is a university student, and a beneficiary of The Yes, We Are Winning Scholarship.

#SDG4.#education #internationalwomensday -Abigail Musa

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