by Mar 10, 2018Uncategorized0 comments

As the lives of many innocent citizens are constantly being subjected to security threats, and many are being sacrificed on the altar of politics, ethnicity and religious extremism. Vampires have beeen empowered to ravage our land yet the preoccupation of many of our leaders is the 2019 General elections.

The fire on the mountain is now consuming how homes but many of our leaders don’t seem to have the decisive will to tackle the vampires who are ravaging our land in a bid to actualizing their selfish agenda. Whatsoever their plans are, and no matter how it is presented, inasmuch as the lives and properties of people are less important to them, there desire is evil, inhuman and senseless!

Leave no stone unturned “We shall not leave any stone unturned…” That is the usual phrase used whenever grave issues are expected to be severely dealt with or whenever results are expected. But scarcely as this ever been the case in my country, even when lots of time is spent on  such cases. Likewise, in many parts of the world, crime cases are hardly ever resloved successfully.

One massacre and then another, and yet another. Whenever we think that it is over then another news of herdsmen attacks, kidnaping and abduction fills the air. Indeed, the vampires are ravaging our lands and decimating us in droves, and no one seems to be concerned.

The latest strategy by these vampires was a peaceful but total occupation of a community and the resultant mass displacement of the ancestral villagers. Apparently,  the takeover is subtle, yet we are continually assured that the security agents are in control and investigations are ongoing to cub this plague. But there’s still fire on the mountain, and is now burning in our homes.

But Just after the public speeches; after the so-called strategic meetings, then we hear of another attack, followed by another deployment of forces, and then withdrawal, then another abduction, capture, killings and the cycle continues. Again, this is followed by another series of investigations, deliberations and consultations, and yet the stones remains unturned.

Just in: “Another 5 dead in Plateau State after unknown gunmen and suspected herdsman attacked a community on late Thursday night.” Again, our security agents have said, “We have confirmed the unfortunate incident but we won’t leave any stone unturned in bringing perpetrators to book. Which book?

This is the usual but annoying responds of security forces but this book never gets filled especially considering the spate of violent killings and heinous crimes going on in the country. Most times, it is either we don’t get to know the perpetrators or innocent persons are apprehended, and made to suffer for the wrong of evil men.

Likewise, the stones covering crimes has always proved difficult to turn, even though they attempt to turn it everytime a crime case is reported. I wonder how massive and gigantic this stone is that it has resisted an overturn.

Braking news: “Government provides Tractors for farmers…” Food security, provision of tractors and what have you. On which land will these tractors be used? On the land that have been destroyed by herdsmen or the one that have been occupied by vicious vampires? Which farmers would use the tractors? The ones that can longer go to their farms or the ones that live continually under the fear of death? Search me!

Government can provide security of lifes and properties. This is their primary responsibility and they are not expected to fail. We know that whenever the government is determined to achieve a feat, they will, if they set their minds to do it. Those at the helm of affairs should not only go back to the drawing  board as usual, but should quickly implement lasting strategies that would guarantee the security of lives and properties.

Every human life is very precious to God and important to the world. No human life is worth being sacrificed on the altar of ethnicity, religion, politics or for economic reasons. Those who are aggrieved should be called to order and grievances settled amicably without sentiments or undue Favour.

Though, we know we are approaching the end of world and the rate of inhumanity and wickedness is expected to be on the increase (Matthew 24). Yet, our government should not fail to implement policies and enforce measures that will ensure that lives and properties are adequately secured and the spate of killings minimized.

The vampires cannot overcome the power of our government if they have the tenacity to fulfill their mandate. Truth will always prevail over evil no matter how long the latter thrives.

You are winning! Yes, we are winning!




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