Empowering Futures: PROJECT 555

Empowering Futures: PROJECT 555

Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

Investing in those in need is the ultimate investment. Contribute to our Educational Scholarship Program via the YWAW Foundation,

International Day of Education

International Day of Education

Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility. In prioritizing education, the government needs to do more with funding education in order to provide the citizens quality and inclusive education.

The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation commemorated the #IDE2023 with a symposium to discuss the theme: “To invest in people, prioritize education”. It was a platform to showcase the most important transformations that have to be nurtured to realize everyone’s fundamental right to education and build a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful futures.



The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation embarked on her annual educational scholarship program, tagged “Project 555” for the 2022 academic session with distribution of study kits to selected Primary and Secondary schools within the Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos state.

The Project 555 is an Educational Scholarship Program that is recognised and supported by the Lagos SUBEB. It is a scholarship project that targets indigent students in selected public primary and secondary schools in Lagos and other states of the country. The annual event is usually supported by individuals who are passionate about ensuring that education is accessible to all children in line with the Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4.

On the Monday 19th  and Tuesday 20th of September, 2022, The Yes, we are Winning Foundation visited a total number of 13 schools and distributed total of 870 notebooks, 80 textbooks to a total of 84 beneficiaries. Furthermore, as our custom, we took to mentoring and counselling the students to be worthy ambassadors by inculcating excellence in their studies.

In the 2022 project, we extended the scholarship to Ibadan by providing over 21 textbooks and 70 exercise books to the young dancers of the Chrysolite Dance Crew. A grateful note from the children, “God still answers prayers’’, if you know how much those books and textbooks cost now, you will say a word of prayer to the foundation that donated it to us….” -The Chrysolite Crew

Indeed, the economic hardship bites hard on everyone, yet we believe that the little you can offer will make a great impact in the lives of needy. We can sure do much more with your little help.


The Chrysolite Children Dancers, in Ibadan, Nigeria

Special thanks to all our sponsors, and to Lagos State SUBEB.

Yes, We Are Winning

The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation Commemorates The International Day Of Education 2022

The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation Commemorates The International Day Of Education 2022

Every January 24, the United Nations mark The International Day of Education. This year’s International Day of Education will be a platform to showcase the most important transformations that must be nurtured to realize everyone’s fundamental right to education and build a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful futures.

Education is a basic human right, a public good and a public responsibility. It is a key priority of the state and should not be a privilege or subject to political or charitable whims. Education is the best investment that we can make to ensure a sustainable future for all in any country or region. However, millions of people are being deprived of education either as a result of social, cultural or economic factors.

Teachers And Students demonstrating the use of technology in teaching

Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.

Today, 258 million children and youth still do not attend school; 617 million children and adolescents cannot read and do basic math; less than 40% of girls in sub-Saharan Africa complete lower secondary school and some four million children and youth refugees are out of school. In Nigeria, more than 13.2m children are out of school. Their right to education is being violated and it is unacceptable.

Wherefore, it is critical that we continue to support the advocacy on quality and inclusive education in pursuance of the actualization of the Sustainable Development Goal, SDG4. The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation is a Charity and Human Capital Development NGO which focuses on Education and Advocacy.

The theme of the 2022 International Day Of Education is: “Changing Course, Transforming Education.” As an NGO that promotes education and inculcate a winning mentality, we join millions of stakeholders to promote inclusive and quality education that would help reduce poverty and foster development in all life’s endeavours.

Cross section of Panelist at the Symposium. Left – Right: Mrs. Yomi Ogunlari, MD Shower Books Ltd, Mrs. Olukemi Sofola, Coordinating Director, Quality Assurance, Lagos State Governement (Education), Mr Adebayo O, Asst. HOD Ikosi Senior High School, Mrs. Comfort Odubayo, HOS, Social Mobilization SUBEB

Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director General, on the occasion of International Day of Education 2021 said and I quote:” In these exceptional times, business as usual is no longer an option.  If we are to transform the future, if we are to change course, we must rethink education.  This means forging a new social contract for education, as called for by the UNESCO report on the Futures of Education, released last November. 

We need to repair past injustices and orient the digital transformation around inclusion and equity. And we need education to fully contribute to sustainable development – for instance, by integrating environmental education in all curricula and by training teachers in this field.” – 

And finally, in the words of the UN Secretary, General Antonio Guterres, “We must do far more to advance Sustainable Development Goal 4, to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Yes, We Are Winning!






The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation Donates Books To Schools

The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation Donates Books To Schools

The YWAW foundation embarked on the second edition of the project 555 Educational scholarship program in which indigent students of primary, Junior and Senior secondary students are provided with relevant school kits like textbooks, notebooks, uniform, sandals, writing materials and bags.

With the aim to make Education accessible to all, The Yes We Are Winning Foundation through the 555 Educational Project provided students with books and textbooks for a new term in the academic session. Principals, teachers, beneficiaries and the parents were excited and thankful for this great support we have given this students because many of them find it difficult to cope with their studies.


There are so much more grounds to cover, so much lives to impact. Tbe YWAW foundation believes that we the supports of partners and volunteers, we would be able to reach out to more indigent students.

You can join us to make Education Accessible to All by sending your donations to Account name: Yes, We Are Winning Foundation. Account number:1016026769. Bank name: Zenith Bank

Project Kit Up A Child