by Dec 31, 2016Uncategorized0 comments

The same River that Peter toiled the entire night without catching any fish, is the same River where they caught thousands of fish in the morning, so much so that their net broke!  Jesus’ visit in the morning brought about the great catch. Jesus asked,  ‘Do you have any fish?’  Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:5. And straightaway, He instructed, ‘”Push out into the deep water and let your  nets out for a catch.” Luke 5:4.

Jesus did not advise them to change the River, instead He advised them to cast the nets deeper.
Perhaps, you tried so hard to fish the whole of 2016 but you caught nothing. No job, no marriage, no finances, no education, no stable income, no kids, no peace, no success. You may have been greatly hit by the prevailing recession, and the uncertainty of a future may have beclouded your hope. Dear friend, may I tell you that sometimes when life is going the opposite direction, the solution may not necessarily be found in a change of job, a change of church, change of  your husband or wife, or even relocation. Neither is it found in giving up, or committing suicide.

And Simon Peter said, ‘…But because you say so, I will let down the nets.’ Yes, Its all about plunging your faith deeper into God, draw closer in fellowship with Jesus, and increase your faith to believe that in spite of the hardships, God will provide, heal, restore, uplift, deliver, revive, and bring blessings and favour along your way.

Therefore, don’t quit. You are already in pain. You are already hurt. Hold on and get a reward from it! You may have toiled so hard in 2016, but your obedience to the word of God will sure bring a total restoration and would make 2017 a rewarding year for you.  It is about 9 hours to the year 2017, don’t throw away your confidence! Cast your net into the deep! Year 2017 will be more rewarding. You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!



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