Amazed at his life of devotion coupled with his acknowledgment of God and his sacrificial disposition, God made a splendorous visit and his approval of the sacrifices was confirmed by His request to King Solomon, “In that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask what I shall give you.” (2 Chron 1:7).
Mr. Solo pressed the right button of surpassing grace, he provoked God by the gift of giving, and God surprised him with a blank cheque. One would have thought that he would ask for peace, prosperity and victory over his enemies, but he never though those were important as the gift of wisdom and knowledge. And so he asked, “Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people, for who can rule this great people of Yours?” (Vs. 10).
God is provoked by our sacrificial giving, especially such that is not borne out of compulsion or manipulations. “In all things and at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Cor. 9:8). This is the unending season, when surpassing grace is available to you to abound in plenty. Therefore, for an unending good season, you must always press the ‘GIVE’ button.

The grace of giving surpasses the grace of praying. The grace of giving will make people you don’t know to credit your account. Praying will grow your account with credits from you whereas giving will make others credit your account in multiple folds. This was the experience and testimony of the Macedonian church.
Mr. Solo surprised God with his request for wisdom instead of riches. His concern about providing a godly and enviable government surpassed his personal desires. This made God blessed him with riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings who were before him and after him possessed. The desire to fulfill God’s mandate on earth to the benefit of humanity should be the prioritiy of our leaders in all aspects of leadership.
Those who begin with the service of God, are likely to go on successfully in their own affairs. It was Solomon’s praise, that what he undertook, he went through with; it was by the grace of God that he prospered in it. When our lives are pleasing to God, He smells good aroma, and this provokes him to bless us beyond measure.
Every blessing God gives you must:
1. Meet the need of God’s people.
2. Make men offer praise to God on your behalf
3. Cause an overflowing expression of thanks to God.
Like Mr. Solo, your account will be credited by everyone who benefits from your gift. It will be a networking of blessing. The is a sure secret to wealth creation.
What prompted the declaration of God that sowing and reaping season shall not cease in Genesis 8:22 is because Noah built an altar and sacrificed clean animals to God. And this burnt offering gave a sweet and pleasing aroma to God. Yes, a sacrificial giving provokes God to release blessings on the giver.
Such act of giving that is pre-empted by a life whole offered to God in righteousness will provoke the outpouring of God’s goodness that would in turn cause an overflowing expression of thanks to God by the beneficiaries.
When the season squizes a child of God he cannot but produce a sweet juice. A season of recession is not an excuse for you not to give. You can give your life for a good course. You can give your time, your resources to the things that gives God pleasure, and benefits humanity. To have an ending good season you must give the best even when you are squeezed.
Let us then stand in awe, and sin not. Let us fear the Lord’s displeasure, hope in his mercy, and walk in his commandments. Let us cultivate a lifestyle of praying and giving. By so doing, like Mr. Solo, our good seasons shall never cease!
You have surpassing grace. You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
Reference: Article inspired by the message by Rev. Tayo Oladokun at the Annual Prayer Summit, NNBC Lagos.
I would like to be a part of this great Mark’s inovation of successful giving and living.