“I wasn’t born to look back. It is not in my character to dwell on the past.” These were the words of Ayo Animashaun, CEO, Smooth promotions ( HipTV ) when I asked him the reason he looked so unperturbed by the recent fire incidence that gutted his studios.
The unfortunate fire incidence which happened on Nov 6 was said to have been caused by an electrical surge. The fire which gutted the production studio was however quickly put off by men of the fire service. Thanks to their responsiveness.
Truly, it takes strength of character to stand strong in the face of daunting challenges. By his disposition, Ayo has demonstrated the attitude of a winner. This is commendable and becoming of everyone who is determined to excel in life. Dwellings on past hurts and disappointments does no good. We must learn to never look back and dwell on our past mistakes or misfortunes.

Ayo and Rotem at Hip tv
Like I wrote in a previous article, titled, “How to turn your setbacks into comebacks“, you can’t move forward in life if you keep looking backward. Whatever setbacks you have experienced isn’t going to sour the rest of your life provided you don’t dwell continually on it. Don’t look back in regrets!
You are not the only one who is being challenged by life difficulties. The difference between those who fail and those who succeed is the winning attitude. Even in the face of realities, you can stand tall if you stand with God. Yes, you can say like Apostle Paul, “…though we are hard-pressed but not perplexed…” 2 Cor 4:8.
Don’t allow depression keep you down, rekindle your aspirations. The future you seek is ahead not behind. So, do not look backward at your failures, rather, look ahead there is hope for your tomorrow. You’re winning. Yes, we are winning!