by Jan 10, 2017Uncategorized0 comments

When you’re divinely favored to see a new day, you should undervalue your defeats, and celebrate your victories. Even if you are not where you want to be, you should be thankful to God that you are not where you used to be. Therefore, magnify the great qualities you have, and not the negative things people say or you feel they think about you. You too, don’t feel or think like a grasshopper because you’re not! You’ve got something to offer the world. You’ve been kept alive for such a time as this.

You’re a plus, ur not a waste! So, when next you look at the mirror, say aloud to yourself, ‘I am amazing!’ ‘I am unique!’ ‘I am talented!’ ‘I am happy!’ ‘I am original!’ ‘I am worthy!’ ‘I am God’s masterpiece!’ ‘I am a success!’ ‘I am blessed!, I am grateful!’ ‘I am winning!’ Yes, you are winning! Yes, we are winning!



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