by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Mar 21, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Deep within every rational and purposeful man is the desire to live in a world that is better and glorious than the terrestrial. As such, any man who does not have eternity in view has forfeited his purpose in life, and he or she is not better than a goat.
The truth is, we are not meant to be here forever! We are dwellers in a temporary shelter; and traders in a market place. Soon all businesses will close and we would be going home! No matter how comfortable we are here, and in spite of our sufferings, we are not home yet.
Man is created in God’s image to live for eternity. No matter how much time we spend here on earth, we have been designed to spend far more time on the other side of death. This is so because, “God has planted eternity in the human heart…” Ecclesiastes 3:11.
A man who’s got eternity in view will prepare for it and live a life that guarantees continuity in a destination that promises absolute peace, Joy and eternal life. Like a farmer who expects a bountiful harvest in its seasons, he will prepare the ground for planting and ensure that all the necessary conditions for proper growth of the crops is adhered to.
Simply put, If you want a good result you must put in a good work. Two things are involved here: you either love your life or you hate it. Both choices have eternal consequences: it is either you love your life to death or you lose your life to gain eternal life.
He who hates his life is not a fool; he only considers the world and its pleasures and accomplishments less important as where he spends eternity. He knows that no worldly achievements are capable of qualifying him for a life hereafter. Even though he seeks worldly necessities, his commitment is to a course that far outweighs the worldly rewards and gratifications.
Commitment to a course you believe in is fulfilling and may be an antidote to frustration. However, commitment to an earthly course while pursuing heavenly recognition is more rewarding. A well accomplished life without heavenly reward is all together futility.
There’s no earthly reward that is comparable to a life in eternity. By the way, there’s no way a man can gain the world, no matter how wealthy or influential he is. Even if he does, it is still not rewarding like a life that is sold out to God.
In the word of Michael Huffington, “When we die our money, fame, and honors will be meaningless. We own nothing in this world. Everything we think we own is in reality only being loaned to us until we die. And on our deathbed at the moment of death, no one but God can save our souls.”
I’ll rather be committed to a course whose rewards surpasses the terrestrial; a course that won’t deny me eternity or deprive me a reward after my sojourn here is finished. There are courses of labor or humanitarian service here on earth that won’t qualify a man reward from God.
For instance, an atheist may be immortalized for having achieved a great feat in national development, humanitarian service or social justice. But such persons rewards ends here on earth; he may have just works only for this world. He loved his life but lost it in eternity because he jettisoned his maker.
I hate my life; I have surrendered it to my maker who through his life has guaranteed my eternity. I will work to get worldly rewards and not miss heavenly glorification. If I love my life in this world then I will cherish everything and careless about my maker who gives me life.
If I love my life, then I will pursue my goals without credence to his instructions. I will do what will give me worldly praise and gratifications. I won’t mind if God is displeased with me as long as I believe in myself, follow my heart and remain at the center of my world.
However, if I hate my life, then, my makers’s instructions and purpose for me would be my utmost pleasure. Having heavenly reward would be more important to me than amasing earthly riches. I will lose my life by becoming addicted to God and pursuing a course that guarantees me eternal life at the other side of death -eternity.
Like I said in a previous article, titled BIBLIOMATICS OF AGE: SEE HOW YOU CAN SPEND $90 BILLION IN A DAY, the choice of your destination is simply yours. Make a worthy choice. You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Mar 17, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Some religious leaders and followers are better named as: “Hopeless”, “Frauds”, or “Silly.” And to make matter worst, many of them either don’t realize how silly they are or they are blinded by religious fanaticism or self deceit. Trust me, I do not mean to be harsh or judgmental in anyway.
Some of these religious leaders reminds me of the Pharisees and religious scholars of the Bible days who reckoned themselves as the custodian of knowledge, and pride themselves as personal assistants of the most High God. This false knowledge and self aggravation leads to pomposity and disrespect of other people’s opinions. Thus, creating a spasm and class between the leaders and their followers.
This phenomenon often results into giving undue or over-zealous reverence to such leaders, to the extent that their words, and instructions becomes more important than God’s oracle. This is unfortunate to say the least, as the honors due God is then bestowed on mortal man. For instance, rather than follow God’s instructions, what you hear is, “Papa or Daddy” said. To the extent that people cringe at the mention of such names.
I do not promote disrespect of men of God, as this would be disregarding God’s instruction to treat with respect those who truly represent God. However, this does not mean one would adore and adorn them with the glories and accolades that belongs to God. Sadly, many followers know and honor the words of their spiritual leaders even more than knowing God and honoring his words.
With reference to this, I will like to delve into the issue of offering and Tithes. The issue of whether tithing, that is, ten percent of ones income, is necessary or not is not a new phenomenon. One valid reference is seen in the New Testament when Jesus had a confrontation with the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law. Knowing their believes and disposition about tithing, Jesus challenged them to stop being hypocritical about the act.
In rebuking them on why they neglect the weightier part of God’s command, he said, “You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You keep meticulous account books, tithing on every nickel and dime you get, but on the meat of God’s Law, things like fairness and compassion and commitment—the absolute basics!—you carelessly take it or leave it.” Matthew 23:23.
He however commended their being meticulous about book-keeping, nitpicking over commas and semicolons, like practically carrying the scriptures on their forehead and body to show everyone how religious they are. In addition, they brag over the payment of tithes and offerings, and endeavor to keep proper records of their tithes, so as to win man’s approval. Yet, they neglect the basic requirements of the law, things like fairness and compassion and commitment, which he described as the absolute basics!
In Biology, we learn that there are micro and macro elements and both are necessary for the growth and development of the body. The micro elements which are required in small quantities, such as Iron, Copper, Iodine etc, are equally as important as the macro elements, such as Sodium, Magnesium etc, which are needed in large quantities. For a healthy and balanced growth, both micro and macro elements are important to the body and no one should be ignored for the other.
Christ’s submission on this is that the micro elements of the law is paying of the ten percent (tithe) and offerings, whereas the macro elements of the law is compassion, fairness, love and justice. In essence, the macro elements of the law, which includes love for God and humanity is as important as paying of tithe and offerings. Just like the human body would be deficient of adequate growth and development, a man who ignore the weightier part of the law will be deficient in his relationship with God and man.
The religious leaders and their followers were rebuked for placing more importance on the minor requirements of the law while neglecting the major elements of love. Thus, they minor on major and major on minor. This is not acceptable to God who wants us to take care of the needy and show compassion, and demonstrate loving kindness, which is the heartbeat of God.
Let me mention that issues about how men of God enrich themselves with wealth by their church members who are committed to tithing, as well as the debates on whether members should pay the ten percents or not will never cease to generate controversies among people. I think a deeper understanding of the issues of church finance vis-a-vis tithes, offerings and donations and God’s directives would help stand in the position of being devoid of sentiments.
For those who have never been interested in paying of tithe, this perception will be justifiable. Some make reference to this passage and say that Christ downplayed the act of tithing by his statement. No, this is untrue! He taught that the sacrifice of love and compassion is more rewarding than the fat offering given in church. God will be more pleased with showing kindness to the poor and the needy than keeping good record of tithing.
Jesus however did not condemn the ten percent, he only frowned at doing one and avoiding the other. Just as the micro and micro elements are vital in the human body, even though one is needed in smaller quantities and the other in large quantities, the ten percent, and showing of mercy are both important but the latter is the major, and should not be compromised.
In summary, any sacrifice not borne out of love is unacceptable to God, and He alone sees the intent of the heart of man. He doesn’t need our money or gifts, he only accepts a heart of reverence and a life that is first sold out to Him.
Finally, religious leaders should ensure they major on showing of mercy, compassion and love over acquisition of wealth and “turning stones (people) to bread” for their own personal advantage. Also, hose who give should give generously, and not by compulsion. Likewise, those who receive should use it judiciously to the glory of God.
Like I said in my article, MR. SOLO AND THE BLANK CHEQUE, let us fear the Lord’s displeasure, hope in his mercy, and walk in his commandments.
You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Mar 13, 2018 | Uncategorized |
In many parts of the world, cry of anguish, pain and sorrow have never ceased to be heard, especially amongst the faithfuls and bonafide followers of the famous king and master, who having fell from his throne few years back is now declared dead. Although, celebrations, pomp and pageantry area also witnessed in many part of the world, as the news of the death of the notorious hellish king rent the air.
A top aid of “The Symbol” as he is fondly called, who broke the news said that before his demise, the tyrant dissolved his cabinet, and advised the shareholders to consider their investments non and void. He was however said to have assured his followers that their dividends will be paid in full in the near future.
Despite the assurance, the addicted followers have expressed utter disappointment over how their acclaimed master failed to live up to expectations and has thus displayed unfaithfulness to his promises.
Our correspondents who spoke to members of his caucus reported that those who have hitherto lived in worldly affluence have expressed wrath over his sudden death, saying that the failed promise of worldly riches and inheritance is clearly a mirage.
The implication is that all Satan’s faithfuls would become jobless, hopeless and in utter desperation. Sadly, the rate of unemployment is expected to greatly increase as a result of the sudden and untimely death of the world’s famous tyrant and deceiver.
As this news gladdens many who have been continually terrified by the nefarious activities of this tyrant, many have testified that evil would stop in the world. Some have also expressed happiness at the spate of killings, suicide, crime, immoralities, diseases, wars to mention a few would be no more.
Hey, this is utopia! The accuser of men, and the father of all lies, Satan has been appointed for judgement at the time that God has set. The devil will be captured only after the saints have been raptured. However, satan knows that his time is close and as such he continues to vehemently fights to make men become enemies of God. Where do you stand? On whose side are you?
In one of my previous articles, titled BROKEN NEWS: THE ANCIENT CITY OF RETARD RECEIVES 50 MILLION NEW MIGRANTS, I noted that for those who desire a safer, peaceful and moral society, you would have wished this happens here, so that wickedness would diminish and the world would be a better place. But this is a moral utopia!
This will not happen in this world but it is a shadow of what is to come. You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
*Broken News is a publication of Happy Valley Agency which seeks to examine political and moral utopias that would foster positive change.
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Mar 10, 2018 | Uncategorized |
As the lives of many innocent citizens are constantly being subjected to security threats, and many are being sacrificed on the altar of politics, ethnicity and religious extremism. Vampires have beeen empowered to ravage our land yet the preoccupation of many of our leaders is the 2019 General elections.
The fire on the mountain is now consuming how homes but many of our leaders don’t seem to have the decisive will to tackle the vampires who are ravaging our land in a bid to actualizing their selfish agenda. Whatsoever their plans are, and no matter how it is presented, inasmuch as the lives and properties of people are less important to them, there desire is evil, inhuman and senseless!
“We shall not leave any stone unturned…” That is the usual phrase used whenever grave issues are expected to be severely dealt with or whenever results are expected. But scarcely as this ever been the case in my country, even when lots of time is spent on such cases. Likewise, in many parts of the world, crime cases are hardly ever resloved successfully.
One massacre and then another, and yet another. Whenever we think that it is over then another news of herdsmen attacks, kidnaping and abduction fills the air. Indeed, the vampires are ravaging our lands and decimating us in droves, and no one seems to be concerned.
The latest strategy by these vampires was a peaceful but total occupation of a community and the resultant mass displacement of the ancestral villagers. Apparently, the takeover is subtle, yet we are continually assured that the security agents are in control and investigations are ongoing to cub this plague. But there’s still fire on the mountain, and is now burning in our homes.
But Just after the public speeches; after the so-called strategic meetings, then we hear of another attack, followed by another deployment of forces, and then withdrawal, then another abduction, capture, killings and the cycle continues. Again, this is followed by another series of investigations, deliberations and consultations, and yet the stones remains unturned.
Just in: “Another 5 dead in Plateau State after unknown gunmen and suspected herdsman attacked a community on late Thursday night.” Again, our security agents have said, “We have confirmed the unfortunate incident but we won’t leave any stone unturned in bringing perpetrators to book. Which book?
This is the usual but annoying responds of security forces but this book never gets filled especially considering the spate of violent killings and heinous crimes going on in the country. Most times, it is either we don’t get to know the perpetrators or innocent persons are apprehended, and made to suffer for the wrong of evil men.
Likewise, the stones covering crimes has always proved difficult to turn, even though they attempt to turn it everytime a crime case is reported. I wonder how massive and gigantic this stone is that it has resisted an overturn.
Braking news: “Government provides Tractors for farmers…” Food security, provision of tractors and what have you. On which land will these tractors be used? On the land that have been destroyed by herdsmen or the one that have been occupied by vicious vampires? Which farmers would use the tractors? The ones that can longer go to their farms or the ones that live continually under the fear of death? Search me!
Government can provide security of lifes and properties. This is their primary responsibility and they are not expected to fail. We know that whenever the government is determined to achieve a feat, they will, if they set their minds to do it. Those at the helm of affairs should not only go back to the drawing board as usual, but should quickly implement lasting strategies that would guarantee the security of lives and properties.
Every human life is very precious to God and important to the world. No human life is worth being sacrificed on the altar of ethnicity, religion, politics or for economic reasons. Those who are aggrieved should be called to order and grievances settled amicably without sentiments or undue Favour.
Though, we know we are approaching the end of world and the rate of inhumanity and wickedness is expected to be on the increase (Matthew 24). Yet, our government should not fail to implement policies and enforce measures that will ensure that lives and properties are adequately secured and the spate of killings minimized.
The vampires cannot overcome the power of our government if they have the tenacity to fulfill their mandate. Truth will always prevail over evil no matter how long the latter thrives.
You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Feb 27, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Whilst considering an article about a recent incident surrounding the Snake and monkey, I recalled the 1979 Hong Kong martial arts film titled “Snake in the Monkey’s Shadow (a.k.a. Hou hsing kou shou a.k.a. Snake Fist vs. the Dragon) as directed by Cheung Sum. Rather than chose this title, I chose to call this piece “Monkey in the Snake’s Shadow, based on the sequence of the events.”
The River valley has in the past weeks witnessed some bizarre incidents that have left citizens dumbfounded and flabbergasted. “Wonders, as they say, shall never end.” Indeed, in the River valley, there never seems to be an end to strange happenings. You can always be sure of waking up to one sad news or the other.
Reports of kidnap, suicide, fuel scarcity, workers strikes, terrorist attacks, political party imbroglio,and of course dramas of the exploits of the economic crime fighters over corrupt citizens is often on the front burner. As a matter of fact, these appears not to be news anymore because of the frequencies and especially the distractive elements of such news.
Recently, the news of a well orchestrated coup d’ etat that saw animals united in their struggles against humans generated debates all over the city. We learnt that the animals were determined to take over for economic reasons. Endeared by the spate of public funds looting and corrupt practices, and angered by the feelings of neglect, they have chosen to take over the streets in angry demonstrations.
This take over is coming on the heels of disappointment arising from the complaints from the burrowing families who have been prevented from gaining access to buried loots because of the tight security around it. The knowledge of the fact that monies are being buried necessitated the call for sovereign national conference of the animals to discuss ways to get their own share of the national cake by any means possible.
Thus, at the meeting of the representatives of the animal species, it was unanimously agreed that snakes and the monkeys be the first to perform the feat. On why the Monkeys and snakes were chosen to unleash havoc on custodian of public funds, the spokesperson of the committee said that the sly and subtle nature of the chosen species was one reason for their choice.
Furthermore, Cattles who had earlier taken over the streets, and have also forcefully taken over farmlands were motivated to continue their exploits until they posses the lands of their defenseless victims. Apparently, the animals seem to have been accorded more privileges that have seen them constitute public nuisance.
It is no longer news that some animals are exerting their influence on the public, and are being linked with swallowing of public funds. First, it was the snake, and then the monkey. Who is next? search me!
We hope the River Valley Government will quickly deploy troops that would stem this evil phenomenon ravaging our land so that our economy will not be controlled by snakes, monkeys and other animals.
What news is next? Anyway, whatver befalls us, we are winning. Yes, we are winning!
Broken News is a satirical online publication of a fictitious Happy Valley Agency which seeks to examine societal utopias that could foster positive change.
*Broken news features every Tuesday.