by Apr 17, 2019Articles, Entertainment0 comments

“As we watched the Paris’s beloved Notre-Dame cathedral razed in fire, we felt very sad and were afraid that the ancient walls would collapse in the disaster. But thank God the fire was stopped within crucial half hour. At the end of the day, it was not as terrible as we had thought, thankfully.” -Jean-marie

It was indeed a sad day for the french as a critical part of France’s destiny, The Notre-Dam Cathedral was gutted in fire on April 15 2019. 

Built 850 years ago, Notre-Dame, which translates in English as “Our Lady”, has played a role in key moments of history and captured the imagination of people around the world, drawing an estimated 13 million visitors a year.

We stand by the French on this painful incident, and we pray that the new Cathedral will be adorned with greater beauty and glory.

Thankfully, a number of companies, organizations and business tycoons have began to contribute to the re-building of the 1,000-year-old Strasbourg cathedral, which may take decades to rebuild. Although, President Macro has pledged to rebuild the cathedral in 5 years

The overwhelming support from different quarters is a moral boost to the french and tourists who are always in awe of this amazing pride of Paris.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated but have been linked to the renovation work going on on the French heritage site. Meanwhile investigation has shown that some important part of the building were left intact after the inferno.

In responds, Pope Francis twitted: “Today we unite in prayer with the people of France, as we wait for the sorrow inflicted by the serious damage to be transformed into hope with reconstruction. Holy Mary, Our Lady, pray for us.

We feel the pains of Paris. Yes We Are Winning…We CEEEyou!




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