They are here again! See them at the workshops; the political situation is heated up now and the table seem to be turning against their plots. Look at the political god-makers; they have gone into overtime production, crafting new models of politics, making and deploying new strategies, employing substitution and elimination methods, and plotting graphs to achieve their self-seeking agenda.
See how they are moving and changing camps; friends are becoming enemies and enemies are turning friends. They say to each other, “let’s just do this for the interest of our democracy. Let’s unite to defeat our common enemies, and establish our dominion yet again.” But, we know that, soon after they achieve their aims, they will go in their different ways and pursue their personal agendas.
In every polity, there are those who call the shots; they are the pioneers, initiators, shakers and movers of the political terrain. Some of them are called kingmakers or god-makers having constituted themselves as political gods in their locality. We are not strangers to their schemes; we almost know what’s next on their agenda, even though we seem powerless to undue their manipulations.

Political Decampment
By their influence, they determine the political atmosphere of their territory either by crook or by hook. Those who gets nominated to contest elections as well those who wins the elections are determined by these political god-makers.
They don’t ever want to lose an election, so they muzzle up resources; they buy up the consciences of their followers and continue to endear many gullible persons to their sides.
These politicians make sweet promises and seek to win the allegiance of susceptible citizens. They are goal-getters and would often fashion unreasonable people into stairs that would take them to the top of their political ambition.
Some of them never become leaders but they determine who govern the people. They are the strategists, they know the history, they are the custodian of the political map and they plot it to wherever they desire. You dare not question their authority because like the biblical Ahitophel, their counsels are sure-banker! They are the political god-makers!
They are forming alliances, trying to help each other out, making up stories in the dark. They like to meet in the dark, urging one another on—‘Good job!’ ‘Great design!’ — pounding in nails at the base so that their plans won’t tip over.
They will do anything to sustain their relevance in the scheme of things. No man can stand before or against them because they have what it takes to steer the political ship. You dare not overlook them. Even if you have a genuine interest to serve your people, you have to listen to them and take turns as they deem fit.
They have got so much money to buy off political ambitions. They run the bureau where political ambitions are traded for money or positions. They are at it again! The season is here when god-makers would strut their stuff! “We must win! They confidently proclaim! “The people are on our side!” they brag. Of course, it would cost them on a few nairas to buy off the votes of senseless voters, who like Esau would sell their birthright for a plate of rice.
The drama has began, the scribes are changing the laws and making new ones to suite their purpose first and to promote their party interests. Impeachments, decamping and deflections are the order of the day, as it is before every general elections. “If you don’t give me a ticket, I will get it somewhere else’ politics is at play again. The political umpire have taken dressing, the drama is on. We don’t know how it will end but they seem to know. We can only await the unfortunate results.
Hang on, I sense something different! I feel something unusually strange. I perceive a celestial interruption. I see those who have hitherto struggled to promote and establish truth and justice having their way! I see good friends of God, His servants, those who are serving in his side—the side of truth, justice and righteousness winning the battle on their kneels.
I anticipate that those who are selfless and equipped with the political will to lead and uphold social justice will gain ground, not because they are accepted by the umpire but because they are a product of divine selections.
Many genuine leaders may have difficulties pursuing their political ambitions because of these god-makers. Some may even die in pursuance of their dreams. Others may pull out of the race for fear of being killed by some political vampires who detests competition. Whatever the case may be, I have been assured by words from the one who promised to interrupt every political ambitions that would retard our dear nation. He said, “There’s no need to fear I’m your God…I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
Yes, for the sake of his name, and for the fulfillment of his pre-destined goodly purpose for Nigeria, he will destroy the devises of the enemies and frustrate the counsels of the political god-makers. He will make righteousness to prevail over wickedness and justice over injustice. He will establish his reign across our land and cause peace to flow like river.
Let’s pray for our land! Let’s pray for our leaders. Let’s stand to defend truth and morality. Like never before, the champions are coming. We are winning! Yes, we are winning!
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Ref: Isaiah 41:4-13 MSG