Fail and go again!

On your way to success lies failure. So whenever you fail, get up and try again. Failure is not fatal, courage is what counts! When you fail go again!
On your way to success lies failure. So whenever you fail, get up and try again. Failure is not fatal, courage is what counts! When you fail go again!
Friend, these are hard times; these are perilous days. We are all in the gutters. But while some look at the stars, others stare at their wounds. As for you, you have to be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever.
Matin Luther King counsels: “We must accept finite disappointment but we must never lose finite hope. ” Indeed, the hardship and distress of life may plunge you into depression and hopelessness, but you must never lose hope because the darkest part of the night is the nearest to the morning.
What should you do? In the words of Lee Lococco, “In times of great stress and adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and energy into something positive.”
“You never know how strong you are until when being strong is your only choice. Bob Marley
As hard it may seem, so many people are succeeding doing the right thing. You too can succeed! Take courage and stay on the right side.
You’re winning!
The whole world is in pain. It may look like some people have it better but the reality is that we are all groaning under one kind of turmoil or the other. Some may migrate to other countries that look Ok but truth is we all crave for freedom from the pain of life. Truth is, we must have to face our fears and accept our frailties. We are not sufficient, God is!