by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Dec 18, 2018 | Uncategorized |
As we drove into the correctional home, we saw four careworn, and cadaverous kids aged between 10 and 15 alighted from a Black Maria, and handed over to the school authority, who were waiting to receive them. They were immediately moved into the secured area, which should now become their new home.
Trust me, it was a shocking sight to behold these young indigent kids conveyed in a Black Maria like criminals. But whilst we wonder, I thought to myself, how else would they have been conveyed?
They are delinquent juvenile, still less than 18 years of age, and who have been convicted by the court to have committed various offenses that deserves appropriate punishments under the law. So, rather than been sentenced to a standard prison, they are incarcerated in a home where they are schooled in morals and academics. This is in view to re-integrate them back into the society as responsible children.
“This particular boy (pointing to the smallest among the four boys) is a criminal, and an ardent chain smoker! Please pay a close attention on him.” This was the instruction given to the care-giver by of one law enforcement agent about a 10 year old boy who was just brought to the center.

YWAW Foundation at the Special Correction Home for Boys
It feels really sad and pitiable to see kids who should be under the tutelage and care of their parents condemned to a center where they hardly can enjoy the parental care and affection that they deserve. This can be partly blamed on the parents, or on the community who may have neglected their responsibilities on these wards.
Would it have been better to see these kids roam about the streets, as vagabonds, committing various heinous crimes or being used as child slaves or as instruments of terror? Certainly not! Thus, the government have done well to establish a home where these indigent children are kept and tutored to be responsible wards and future leaders.
At the special school for boys, Oregun Ikeja, the Lagos state government has provided a befitting facility to cater for child offenders and vagabonds in a bid to serve as deterrent to others as well as protect them from committing further crimes.
Although, more needs to be done to improve the school facilities so that the kids can at least enjoy a home away from home. Better social amenities, conducive learning environment, sports facilities, music studio. and other skills acquisition facilities should be provided for the center. We therefore call on social and workers, NGOs and affectionate givers to donate to the center and give these kids a good life even while being remanded.
Speaking with one of the care-givers, he explained that there are four categories of children in the center. These include: Obstinate kids beyond parental control, vagabonds, kids needing protection, and child offenders (including murderers rapist, serial killers, and armed robbers and all manner of offenses).
Among these are those who have been convicted by the court and sentenced to imprisonment but because of they are less than the age of 18, they have to be remanded in the center to serve their punishments, whilst being morally re-orientated.
As part of our social services, The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation(YWAWF) visited the home to celebrate Christmas with the kids. with a bid to make them feel at home; spread the hope of a beautiful future, and promote a winning attitude that would see them embrace purposeful lifestyles.
It was indeed fun-fair as we conducted a party, with singing, dancing, games and motivational talks. The kids were very elated to sing and dance to their favorite songs, as well as demonstrated their singing skills. One boy stood out with his amazing rapping skills. H
is rhymes were faultless and he entertained the crowd with a mixture of dialects. These talents must be harnessed and developed so that these kids will be self-dependent and responsible adults.
My team members, especially the ladies were challenged to a dancing competition by the kids, and it was a beautiful sight to watch! The kids also relished the snacks, candy, and ice cream provided by our party event vendor, who also provided DJ music, games and other entertainments. Thereafter, each child was given a goodie bag courtesy of the YWAW volunteers and donors.
Some of our members engage the kids in personal conversations and the revelations were amazing. Many of this kids showed deep desire for parental intimacy and care. Some of them have missed home and would love to be shown more affections. One of the kids was said to have requested that one of us comes to visit him regularly since he has no one who visits him like some others kids.
This experience has encouraged us to get more involved in charity and social services as a way of making positive impacts in our society. It has also challenged us to devote more attention to being worthy examples to children, whose characters are being shaped by parental and societal influences.
We have also committed to visiting the center regularly, and to engage the kids in discipleship, mentorship programs, and man-power development. We shall support the skills acquisition program of the school and seek to develop the raw talents of the kids.
It was for us a successful outing and we look forward to more opportunities to spread hope among all men, promote excellence, social justice, and inculcate a winning culture through our social services, social media campaigns and advocacy programs.
Yes, We Are Winning — we care, we educate, we encourage, we empower to win! When we say, YWAW, we say, weCEEEyou!
See our visit to Girls correctional home:
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Dec 15, 2018 | Articles |
The launching of the Yes, We Are Winning Foundation was an event I had eagerly anticipated. The movement which began two years ago was officially launched as an NGO, thus, positioning us for a greater exploits, and wider global reach.
Amidst the tight schedule of many of our guest, they still made it to the event, and their presence was very pleasing. Gladly, they all gave credence to the initiative, and all pledged to been financially and morally committed to the vision and mission of the foundation.
Several accolades and commendations were given about what we have achieved so far, and how we have impacted many lives globally. Many of our guests expressed their pleasure in how the Yes, We Are Winning brand has grown over the years, and have become an identity for those who are self-motivated, and excellent driven.
Mrs. Eniola Eyesan, one of our advisers was full of praise for the foundation, and how the initiative has become an identity for winners. In expressing her reason for joining the foundation, she said the mission of the group is a summary of her life’s goal, and the mantra, “We Care, We Educate, We Encourage, We Empower to win”, fits perfectly with her life’s philosophy.
She pledged her unflinching support to the group, saying, she would not only be financially supportive, but would also be present at every event organized for the purpose of impacting lives. Mrs. Eniola Eyesan unveiled the new T-shirt of the YWAW foundation, and challenged many visitors to launch it for the purpose of raising funds for the NGO.
Some of our guests also spoke highly of the foundation, and testified to the positive influence it has made on the society, also pledged their moral and financial support to the group. Dr. Sam Etatuvie, our indefatigable adviser, Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Disu, the President of Abiye Mother & Child Health International Organization was present to grace the occasion.
Others include, Deji Bademosi, TV360, Mr. Chinedu Angus, Dumetech International, Mr. David Abass, CEO David Abass International Agency, and other friends of the group to many to mention.
We were particularly honored by the presence of my mentors: My Pastor and Covener of Sent to The Vulnerable Foundation , Rev. Samson Abimbola and his lovely wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Abimbola, Rev. Rotimi Taiwo, formally Pastor, Victory Baptist Church Ajah, and the convener Sebiomo Foundation. They all expressed their pleasure for the foundation and pledged his support to the group.
Here are few of our pictures. You will find more on our facebook page.
Rev. David Adeyemo and his elegant wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Adeyemo, have been part of the group since inception. The entire family graced the occasion with their presence and pledged continued support to being part of a foundation that is established to inculcate a winning a culture.
To Mrs. Titilola Eke (Nee John) and my sweet darling, and Vice-president of YWAW foundation, Damilola Ibigbami, and my twinee , Delightsome Ibigbami, I say a very big thank you for being there from the outset, and for your unflinching support. you deserve plenty accolades.
Time won’t allow me to mention names of my friends and family who graced the occasion. A special thanks to all volunteers, and executives of the YWAW foundation, You guys are amazing! Special thanks to our financials and partners, who have always identified with us in our needs. Hearty cheers to our friends and well-wishers who were unable to attend the launching.
We are very pleased to provide the platform for those who would be positive influence on the society and world at large. We welcome all those who, in spite of the challenges in the world, would stand secured and motivated in pursuance of excellence, whilst also spreading hope to a world that is fraught with hopelessness and despair.
Yes, We Are Winning Foundation is a Charity and human capital development Non-governmental organization established to inculcate a winning attitude that would engender self-development and national transformation through words of encouragement, motivational messages, practical life tips, insightful discussions, empowerment initiatives, social and humanitarian services. For more about us click
Join our community on the social media, including facebook:, Instagram: @yeswearewinning1, Twitter: @yeswearewinning, Tumblr:
When we say Yes, We Are Winning, we say, We Care. Educate, Encourage, Empower to win. YWAW…WeCEEEyou!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Nov 30, 2018 | Articles |
When someone tells you to “Get up and eat!”, ‘it means the food is prepared and ready to eat. “Get up and eat.” may also imply that the beneficiary may be fast asleep whilst the food was being prepared, or simply unaware that a meal is being prepared for him.
It may also suggest that the benefactor has been busy preparing a meal for someone who is tired and sleeping or just helpless but famished.
Sometimes, life’s challenges can hit us so hard that we become so helpless to lift ourselves up to face it. It takes a person with inner poise and a strength of character to be self- motivated in the face of severe hardship or depression.
Many people easily give in or give way to depression when confronted with seemingly hopeless situations. Some do impulsively make wrong assumptions and conclusions that it isn’t going to ever get better. Such attitude has led many to engage in despicable acts or at worst commit suicide.
Mr. Elijah was a very powerful and influential man whose words were always divinely ordered. He stood vehemently against the idolatry and injustice in the land, and was well respected for his uncompromising lifestyle.
He soon became a very powerful figure, an oracle of God, and a threat to the government of the day. He was feared, and dreaded by evil perpetrators, who neither acknowledge God or respected human rights.
King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel had a deep hatred for Mr. Elijah, and sought different avenues to get rid of him. But Elijah survived many attacks and assassination attempts, and continued to be a beacon of hope.
One would think that a powerful man who is so much feared and respected would continue to dominate the scene, and spread his positive influence on the citizens. But, for a moment, Mr. Elijah allowed himself to be wearied by moral depression, occasioned by threats from the Government.
He simply took to his heel, wishing just to die, when he got an inkling that he was going to be killed! He was downcast, and lost the strength to fight on. He gave in to the challenge, and was ready to die anyway.
He cried, “Enough is enough! God, take my life—I’m ready to die!” Amazing how a once brave man, by reason of the hardship never saw any justification to stay alive . He didn’t think life was worth living again. He never thought survival was worth the while.
Exhausted, famished and devastated, he got a call from an angel who instructed him to get up and eat because his journey of life was far from being over (1 Kings 19:3-5).
By divine intervention, Elijah got his strength back, and his motivation was rekindled. His vision was sharpened and his courage was restored. Then he stood up, ready to face life’s battle again, and empowered to face his fears.
When you are down and out, and it seems there’s no more chance to succeed, God gives you a life-line. He never fails to help the helpless who trust in Him.
Perhaps, your failed expectations have become a reoccurring decimal which have drained your mental capacity to believe in your ability to excel, I challenge you to get up and eat!
This is the time to summon up courage, rekindle your zeal and revive your hopeful expectations. Time, age, position is not a barrier. It may look so bad now, but if you can rise up from the ashes, and stretch your optimism, you can still win.
Dear friend, it is far from being over. There’s hope in your tomorrow. Get up and eat! You’ve got a long journey ahead of you. Don’t give up yet. Face your fear. Stretch yourself, push forward. Life’s beautiful!
You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Nov 14, 2018 | Articles |
Life is good but things do fall apart! Life still offers beauty in all its ramifications, even though it sometimes presents ugly and seemingly impossible situations.
Life is a good teacher, but sometimes teaches the hard way. Trust me, it can be really rough and tough. Life is a good friend but sometimes it can be unfair and annoying. Oftentimes, things just never go the way the way you want it. Sometimes it is OK, other times, it is unbearable.
In life, things are in transit: today, you are here; the next moment you are there. In a moment, the rich becomes poor, and by a stroke of luck, the unfortunate becomes a celebrity.
Life is dual in nature: it offers one side to me, and another side to you, and many times, not the way we plan it. In one location it is cold, in another place it is warm. It is bright here, and dark there.
Nothing ever sums up in the way we like it to be. Things fall apart when the apparent center cannot hold. In life, the center doesn’t always hold, so things would always not be as expected.
Life has in its path to success, many hurdles to cross. Sometime, it can be quite easy, at other times, it would seem impossible and hopeless. Yet, life offers goodness and contentment if you have a sure connection to the true center of life, God.
Things do fall apart when the apparent center cannot hold them. The center that holds the things that gives happiness is in itself feeble. When the things that makes us happy is lost, life becomes unfriendly.
Here’s the sure thing: “GOD holds the high center, He sees and sets the world’s mess right. He decides what is right for us earthlings…GOD’s a safe-house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax; you’re never sorry you knocked.”-Ps. 9:7-10
Life offers abundant joy, but this joy is beyond human comprehension. It is supernatural. It is divinely inspired and endowed. Life is beautiful when peace floods your soul from the river of life.
When things fall apart, don’t lose your heart. It just means they are about to be put back together in a new and better way. When everything seems like it is falling apart, that is when God is putting things together just the way HE wants it.
So, keep calm; don’t be afraid, God is at work to put your center together again. When things fall apart, don’t fall! Be strong!
You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
Find out how to live a raidiant life below:
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Nov 7, 2018 | Entertainment |
To enjoy discounts on YWAW souvenirs, post an excited picture of you with a “Thumbs up”, & a winningSmile, with the description: “Yes, I’m winning”. And Tag, @yes,we are winning, with an hastag yeswearewinning