by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 22, 2017 | Uncategorized |
It was my first visit to The Hague, Netherlands, which aside being the seat of the parliament and the Dutch government, its for many commonly identified as the headquarters of the International Criminal Court of Justice. On arriving at the reception, I picked up a newsletter at the information stand and it was the highlights of the court proceedings of the day. To my utmost amazement the names of aledged criminals on the list of the cases before the court were all African leaders. The first question I asked myself was, Is it only African leaders that are criminals?
I was in the company of my colleagues and friends, Omang Dave, Rotem Cohen, and the Director General, NTA. For Rotem Cohen, there was no need to visit the court even for sightseeing because in his opinion the judges and and stakeholders are bunch of hypocrites who only sees the pecs in other people’s eyes but fail to see theirs.
His opinion was well informed by the various court judgements which condemns the fight of Israel against the Palestinian, alleging the former as unfair and unreasonable in their fight against what they describe as terrorism. He thinks those biased set of judges are not worth honouring. Anyway, I’m not about to discuss his concerns and some other political issues, some of which made him stayed outside the building, while we pass through a tight security check to register our presence as visitors.
Why would the president of a nation govern for many years, enjoy immunity and of course affluence and still end up at the criminal court for actions considered as crime against humanity, financial misappropriation, and other vices? I’m wondering too. Knowing the punishment that awaits such actions, why do some of our African leaders careless about the aftermath and yet act god on the seat of governance?
We got a very warm welcome from the pretty receptionist, who educated us about how to go through the digital library to study the history of the court and other related interests. We were supposed to join the court session which was on break for 30 minutes, but we had to jettisoned the library tour because of our time. Sadly, we couldn’t take pictures at the picturesque reception, where we met a Lagos-born Nigerian who works at the the court.
Hence, I decided to take copies of the court brief for the day’s cases and the following names were on the list of cases to be treated:
1. DRC: Bosco Ntangada
2. CAR: Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo
3. Côte d’Ivoire: Laurent Gbagbo and Charles able Goude
4. Uganda: Dominic Ongwen
5. Mali: Ahmad Al Fadi Mahdi
My point is, even if the westerners would sometimes be biased towards the third-world countries, why must we do things that we plunge us into criminal suites? It is often said that if a man have been accused of stealing a foul, he should not be seen playing with a chick. Why can’t we exonerate ourselves from corruption and crimes by doing what is beneficial for the good of our race? Why must we always prove that we cannot truly govern ourselves? Search me!
It is ridiculous and shameful to be identified as an African in such situation. The whites sees all of us as the same. The news of how our leaders embezzle public funds, or invest their countries resources in foreign countries while majority of their citizens suffers hardship is everywhere, and the first thing a foreigner would mention when you are engaged in a discussion are these disheartening issues.
It is no longer news that our major problem as Africans is our leaders. The culture of greed, selfishness, and unpatriotism had eaten deep into our society, and one wonders whether the coming generation would even do better. As far has I know, it hasn’t gotten better. I hope it does!
We need leaders who would not be divided by party lines or agenda. Those selfless leaders who’s personal interests would be buried while the overall interest of the people would be their utmost goal to achieve. When would we have the amazing developments as seen in the west, some countries of which hasn’t the magnitude of the natural resources which most of our African countries have.
Do we only have criminal leaders in Africa? Are there no such leaders in Europe and America who have done so wickedly, and deservable of being Condemned as corrupt or lawless leaders? The fact is, corruption is everywhere, but the rate at which African leaders are being cut in this web is alarming and doesn’t speak well of the black race.
I urge our African leaders to stand up for what is right, and do things that would move our continent forward. Also, I challenge the younger generation to break out from the mold of self deceit, greed and corruption, and inculcate a culture of godly fear and selfless service.
We are so blessed as a continent, and our uniqueness should be celebrated in a good light that would bring Honour and glory to our father land.
Certaining, you are winning! Yes, we are winning!
For more information on the suspects visit
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 20, 2017 | Uncategorized |
If you need a god to do a specific thing which another god cannot do, then it means your gods are not all-sufficient! So, you need plenty god’s who are specialists. How many gods have you, and how much more do you need?
Some people acquire many gods for the purpose of performing specific feat. What specific roles does your gods play in your life? Are they sufficient or you think you need more specialist gods?
In the telecom industry for instance, there are usually a number of service providers and each is preferred based on the quality of their offerings, including voice and data. Some users’ choices are based on the unique advantage associated with such providers; and this might be a reason why some consumers are so committed to those services providers who are said to be reliable and dependable.
When God called Abram, He instructed him to leave his father’s house, his family and his country (Gen. 12:1). Haran, where Terah, Abraham’s Father relocated to when he left the Ur of the Chaldeans was a trade center on the route from Ninevah to Carchemish (Ezekiel 27:23); and the chief seat of worship of the moon god, Sin. Thus, it was a land of idolatry and the family of Terah were idolatrous. THus, God called Abram out of idolatry.
Coming from an idolatry background, Abram would understand what it means to walk blamelessly before God. Since it is the practice of every idolater to keep more than one god, Abram is instructed never to add on any idol to the Almighty God who has called him into a relationship. “When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; Walk [habitually] before Me [with integrity, knowing that you are always in My presence], and be blameless and complete [in obedience to Me].” GENESIS 17:1 AMP
Furthermore, the theft of Laban’s household gods by Rachel further proves that it is rare for an idol worshipper to pay allegiance only to one god. When Jacob was fleeing from his Father-inlaw, Laban, Rachel his wife stole her father’s gods. This was confirmed when Laban inquired in Genesis 31: 30, saying, ” Now you have indeed gone away because you longed greatly for your father’s house; but why did you steal my gods?” My concern here is not why Rachel took her father’s gods, rather, it is why Laban kept and worshipped many gods and not just one god. One god, of course is never sufficient for an Idolater.
There’s a vast number of individual deity and each has a unique interest. There are so many gods or idols and each performs a specific and unique role that makes their worshippers endeared to them. For instance, there are weather-gods, storm-gods, wind-gods, rain-god, god of thunder. Also, there are fertility gods, sea-gods, god of travelers, god of fire to mention a few.
A fertility god or goddess is a deity associated with sex, fertility, pregnancy, and child birth. Called Ala (odinani) in Igbo, and the highest Alusi (deity) in the Igbo pantheon. On the other hand, a weather god is a deity associated with weather phenomena such as thunder, lightening, rain and wind.
From their classifications, no one god performs the function of another. For instance, a weather god cannot perform the role of a fertility god, neither can it perform the function of Ares, the god of war, representing the physical, violent and untamed aspect of war.
Likewise Hades, the god of the dead cannot perform the special functions of Hermes, the god of trade, thieves, travelers, and athletes. My point is, all the deities performs a unique and distinctive functions. Could this be a reason why many idol worshippers pay allegiance to more than one god?
Therefore the distinctive roles each performs may be a reason why a man would keep the fertility god for the purpose of sexual success, a god of travelers for safety in journey and a god of thunder to avenge his enemies.
God introduced Himself as “The Almighty God”, to distinguish Himself from other gods. In the Message Bible version, it reads, “…I am The Strong God…” What this implies is that all other gods that Abram was used to are little gods, weak gods and limited in their capabilities.
God’s instructions to Abram can also be interpreted as, “I’m not limited in capability or functions like the gods you and your Fathers serve. I cannot pined down to a particular way. On the contrary, I AM THE ALMIGHTY! I am sovereign; unlimited, all-sufficient and dynamic. I do not need you to add on other gods to me as you do in your past life of idolatry. I am enough for you; I can do all things, and so you don’t have to seek any other god.”
Rather, you should be devoted only to me, and walk habitually in my presence and not any other. You must be blameless or perfect or pure; a worshipper of only one GOD. Furthermore, you must live in integrity, loyalty and complete obedience or allegiance to me alone!”
Friends, God’s instruction has not changed. He calls for total allegiance to Him alone, and He frowns at idolatry and unfaithfulness. God is all-powerful, un-knowing and un-sufficient! He is all-rounder; never limited to a strategy or confined to a specific role like other gods. He is complete, stable and eternal. Thus, He called for Abram to trust Him absolutely and not to look elsewhere for help.
What is it that you have added to God? You may not be serving an idol but your ideologies, your intellect, experience or tradition may be the things you have exalted above God. And these things have the capacity to undermine your trust in God.
God is all-sufficient; He’s all In all. With him you don’t need any other alternative or support. Trust him completely and do not rely on your own intellect or experience. God is more than enough. If you have God, you have everything!
Yes, you are winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 15, 2017 | Uncategorized |
I watched this short video and I thought I should share it with you.
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 14, 2017 | Uncategorized |
For Abigail, there seem to be too many so called secrets to marital bliss. Worried by the diverse rules, regulations and prohibitions she couldn’t help but to inquire of me saying, “Whom should I marry!?”
On hearing the question, I quickly called to remembrance a beautiful sermon, at a youth forum by an experienced marriage counselor on the issue of choice of marriage partner and how to enjoy a fulfilling marriage.
He likened marriage to the setting of the zip teeth in a zipper. To achieve this, he said there must be compatibility and agreement towards only one direction at a time; even though it is from two different perspectives. Thus, relationship in marriage requires a willing self-revelation of individual subjective views of value of life, to create an intimacy that places a sense of commitment to the responsibility of interdependence by adjustment over an extended allowance of time with perseverance.
Furthermore, he explained that marriage, which is a relationship created and instituted by God is established for the fulfillment of God’s will for the androgynous gene that was initially tampered with interdependent resources (clay, breath, soul) for mental and muscular services that require a separation of individual genders that a biological face-to-face communication and a complementary setting of individual contribution. In essence, marriage is not a relationship of a superior gender over an inferior one rather it is a relationship made to strengthen a man and a woman created in God’s own image. (Gen.1:26-30)
In view of these assertions, spinsters and bachelors need to pay rapt attention to the following requirements and qualifications of marriageable prospects. I hope you would patiently meditate on this requirements which I consider valid answers to the question of whom to marry.
- Be born again with the evidences of thorough discipleship and look for the same in someone to marry. Remember that you will attract who you are. Prov. 13:20; John3:5).
- Abstain from peer and social pressures insted, live a life that is dedicated to God so that He can work all things for your good (Gal.5:19-21).
- Identify what God has foreknown and predestinated your life for, in order to know who has compatible life style and vision as yours or who could compliment you. Isa.49:9
- Accept and be committed to the price of each level of realizing the goals of God’s vision in your predestination. Phil.3:12-16.
- Discover and develop your potentials (temperamental strengths, talents, spiritual gifts, vocational or industrial skills, relational skills, leadership qualities etc.) toward a realization of God’s plan and purpose for your life. Eph.3:20.
- Watch and pray to locate the person who is compatible with your life and vision. Prov.18:22
- Don’t despise the period of small beginning in faith, finance and family. Job 8:7; Mt.13:31-33.
- Test the love of your future by being the real and transparent in your dealings to highlight the measure of value that she/he places on money, occupation, tender care, friendship, social relationship/ceremony, in-door house chores, intimacy and keeping confidences, sex, child rearing (not just bearing), in-law relations etc.
- Be committed to tolerance and building up of the potentials of your future partner based on the Bible pattern of a successful family enrichment details.
- Regularly receive pre-marital counselling from couple-models that you enjoy their family life pattern. Prov.15:22, 20:18, 24:5-6.
- Marry the content (values, principles and commitment) not the container (cosmetics, status, wealth, charisma or talents).
In conclusion, do not marry to receive what you cannot or you are lazy to produce and to do for yourself by yourself because marriage does not change the basic human personality neither does it remove loneliness. Marriage satisfies sense of aloneness and gender-emotional urges.
Note that, your daily objectives and what you want to achieve per time as conclusion of your actions should determine that method/approach you should adopt in marital relationship. Marriage is a covenant and calls for keeping of confidence and a provision to help the weak partner. Gen.2:15; Eze.16:8; Mal.2:14-15.
The answer to the question of whom to marry lies in doing the will of the creator of life. He formed us and knows what each of us is made of. With him we can’t fail; with his counsel we are guaranteed of a blissful marital relationship. You are winning! Yes, we are winning!
Sermon By Rev. Olaniyi Abiola (more…)
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 11, 2017 | Uncategorized |
As the Maiden edition of the Labour Room reality TV show kicks off in few days from now, I anticipate a truly innovative, insightful and entertaining show that would see a huge leap towards youth empowerment and national development.
The “LABOUR ROOM” is the first National Development Reality TV Show in Africa, strategically designed by Nigeria Rebirth Foundation to activate the super potentials of Nigerians with selected 37 housemates representing the States of Nigeria and the FCT, from complex backgrounds, to be housed in a “MANSION” for a 60 days, 24 hours Television Reality Show for Broadcast on DSTV, STARTIMES, NTA, Free TV, Ben TV London and other dedicated Channels.
The Programme is designed to promote Unity in our Diversity and shall over the 60 days, analyse and x-ray the myriad of issues of our Nationhood, articulating the workable, sustainable solutions and recommendations for reform.
- The economic potentials of each State will be projected to over 200 million viewers across the world for 60 days.
- Over 1000 local products will be marketed and sold worldwide in the course of the 60 days broadcast.
- The Labour room reality TV show will see the top four taking home the grand prize of a 200 million naira local content driven company which may be situated in the State whose Contestant emerges the overall winner.
The show which is greatly supported by Royal fathers, both indigenous and foreign companies as well as great industry brands, is expected run from September 17 through November 17, 2017.
Oba Ooni of Ife, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi (Ojaja II), and his Amiable Olori
Staff of Concept to Soution (C2S Nig), a media partner of the project, and guests
Football legend, John Fashanu, and other guests
A cross-section of guests at the Launch.
The launch of Nigeria Rebirth LABOUR ROOM NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT REALITY TV SHOW will take place at the International Conference Centre, Abuja on the 17th of September 2017 by 5pm.
Kudos to Chief Isaac Balami, Founder/National Coordinator Nigeria Rebirth Foundation (08069648792), and his indefatigable team.
Yes we are winning (YWAW) Team is proud to be an official blogger of the show.
Yes, we are winning!