by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 11, 2018 | Articles, Politics |
Where were you 17 years ago? Where were you when the deadliest terrorist attach by the Al-Qaeda extremist group hit the United States. Where were you on September 11, 2001 when the whole world panicked at the devastation of the World Trade Center and the unfortunate destruction of hundreds of lives?
I remember, I was in my hostel at the university when the event was announced. I didn’t get to watch the news on the Television because there was non around me at that time, neither was I able to browse the web because the internet was scarcely in use at the time.
It was much later that I was able to learn the devastating effects of this dastardly act perpetuated by the Osama Bin Laden led Al-Qaeda terrorist group. The September 11 (9/11) attack were a series of four coordinated terrorist attaches by the Islamic terrorist group Known as Al-Qaeda against the United States of America.
The location of the attacks were the World Trade Center (WTC) New York, the Stonycreek township, and Arlington county. The attacks which included aircraft hijacking, suicide attack, recorded total number of 2,996 (2.977 victims and 19 hijackers) deaths. The victims were members of different nationals including Africans, Asians to mention a few.
This terrorist attack defined the president George W.Bush administration, and consequently triggered the United States initiatives to combat terrorism. The attackers which were reportedly sponsored by the Saudi fugitive, Osama Bin Laden, were said to have acted in retaliation for America’s support of Israel, its involvement in the Persian Gulf War as well as its continued presence in the Middle East.
The response of the United Sates to the September 11 attack was instructive in President Bushe’s televised address a day after the attacks. He Said, “Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot sent the steel of American resolve.”
Ten years later, Osama Bin laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attack was tracked down and killed by the U.S Seal at his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Seventeen years after the terrorist attack, the United States and the entire world continues to fight against insurgence and terrorism which continues to threaten our peaceful coexistence.
The United States continuous defends of Israel and other Allies continues to generate resistance and enemies from the Middle East and this is not sure to stop until the end of the world.

If the death of Osama was thought to be the end of Terrorism, the terrorist and wars going on in all part of the world has proven that hatred, inhumanity, wars and rumors of wars are all signs of the end time, and an indication that the world is approaching its limit in a matter of time.
If all these things would be, what manner of man you ought to be!? There’s no amount of peace talks that can bring peace to this world. Tragedies, famines, wars and afflictions are are to abound but those who put their trust in God will survive this world that is destined for destruction.
As we continue to hope for a safer world, our heartfelt prayers goes to the families of those who lost loved ones at the unfortunate events.
Where do you stand? Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His night. We are winning! Yea, we are winning!
For more on 9/11 history read:
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 11, 2018 | Articles, Empowerement, Lifestyles |
Yes, “why this waste?” You often hear that in your life, huh? I do too. I do hear it from the old man within. I hear it from friends and colleagues that tells me that am missing out on a lot of canal pleasures that my youthfulness or position should enjoy. I hear it from our culture that tells me that if I don’t accomplish certain things, or act is certain ways, my worth and relevance is in question.
I hear it from the pit of hell, that if all I do is to follow God, and give much of my time to serving God and humanity, I’m only just wasting my time. I hear that there are a lot things worth spending my life on today, and God is not in that list. So, why the waste?
My social environment constantly alerts me that it is all about me, and that in this one life that I’ve come, I must move with the flow, run town and have fun, and careless about who it hurts, as long as I am happy.
It’s a subtle and tricky voice. It can easily convince me that my business and career is is good and worth all of my time. I’m constantly prodded by the voice of reasoning that like the Biblical Martha, I must ensure that all of the “more important things” that need to be done are done before I give God my “precious time. “God understands”, they say!
Sadly but truly, some of the things we consider “more important” and worthy of our time are actually not as important, in fact, not important at all. Some activities we consider more important are just like marking time, they don’t move us forward in life. Many things we call “fun” only appeals to our emotions and sensuality, they don’t amount to profitability, and many of them have no value for eternity. So, why the waste?
When Mary argued that her sister, Martha was giving her precious time to something less important, than preparing a meal for the special guest, Christ rebuffed her saying, Mary has chosen the “one thing that is necessary “—sitting at his feet and listening to him.
Many would argue that spending time with God in worship is a waste of time; other say its boring and uneasy, while many others just simply say, there’s no enough time. Meanwhile, it is much easier to spend time surfing the Internet or browsing pictures of other people’s vacations, event or activities on Facebook. This you consider “worth wasting your life on?” Yet, it leaves you downcast and desperate after all.
I recall the words of John Piper in talking about time, he said, “one of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.” Yes, indeed! We often blame prayerlessness on lack of time, whereas we have so much time to devote to those things that are less important.
The way it applies to sacred devotion is the same way it applies to our daily lifestyle. You claim you have a vision and yet you are not disciplined enough with your time to achieve your life goals. If you’re going to be great in life, you have to devote your time to those things that matter.
As believers, we will never enjoy our friendship with God if we don’t spend quality time with Him. Time is the most precious thing we have, and without daily doing that “one necessary thing,” everything else in our lives creeps up as way more necessary than it should ever be. What would you pick as the most important things in your life?
Everything you do for God’s pleasure has eternal value; anything you do for the flesh perishes with it. Give your life to God; give your time to pursuing what is necessary and beneficial to all!
You’re winning! Yes we are winning!
Also read:THE CLIMATE OF THE TIMES: We are lords of our world
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 10, 2018 | Articles, Entertainment |
The Nigerian Amputee football federation, after being banned from international competition for 5 years for non-payment of the WAAF affiliation fees, are now qualified to feature at the 2018 world cup tournament.
This ban has no doubt dealt a blow to the special football team, and an indication that very little support has been given to the special football competition by the football body.
Thankfully, the ban has been lifted and the special Amputee team are scheduled to feature at the 2018 Amputee Football World Cup in Mexico in October. The Nigeria team are to feature along side Russia, Brazil, El Salvado in group E.
Amputee football is an disabled sport played with seven players on each team. Outfield players have lower extremity amputations, and goalkeepers have an upper extremity amputation.
The handlers of the Amputee Super Eagles Team coach Victor Nwewe and Gbenga Dosunmu, is confident that the team is self motivated, and will certainly put up a good record at the mundial. He is certain that with the needed support from the football body, the Super Eagles will perform excellently.
The captain of the Amputee team, Prince Yomi Bamgbopa has expressed confidence in his team, and he is optimistic that they will make Nigeria proud. He commended the efforts of the football body in ensuring that Nigeria regained her membership with the World Association of Amputee Football Federation (WAAF)
For the President of the NAAF, Suleiman Isah, the return of the Nigerian Amputee squad to the international stage is a welcome development, and a good omen for the country. In his words, he said, “This is the beginning of many good things to come as a form of reshaping poor state of this great sport and lives of the footballer that were practically neglected.
He continued, “The journey to this achievement was not easy, but my happiness is that we have regained our membership with the parent body and will now be part of their activities.”
He added that the participation in the World Cup would serve as an exposure to the footballers and opportunity to boost the nation’s profile at the global level.
According to the NAAF Ambassador, Abayomi Fashoro, “Nigeria has a chance to develop the huge potential of the Amputee football, and bring it at par with football federations like Russia, Turkey, England to mention a few. The football body therefore, should provide sports facilities that would help improve the players, and promote the game.”
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 8, 2018 | Articles, Entertainment, Lifestyles |
“I look unto you oooh answer my call ohh (Answer My Call Oooh) Baba God o! (Pick up the call) Emi naa fe wa Range Rover (I want to ride Range Rover) Dangote olori meji ( like, Dangote, I want to be rich) Pick up the call. Na beg i dey beg o (I’m begging)…”
The song of the sensational hip hop artist, Adekunle Kosoko (a.k.a Adekunle Gold) has spurred me to write this piece. Looking at this topic, the first thing that comes to mind is a passionate plea for God’s blessings. It reveals the deep desire of a person who desperately needs divine intervention in attaining the good life. It is a heartfelt plea for God to pick up the call and prevent further delay in making him wealthy and accomplished like notable persons in the society.
How do you feel when you are trying to reach out to someone through your mobile phone and you find difficulties getting connected? Frustrated! Irated or pissed!? It’s very annoying and can be very frustrating when you cannot connect especially in a situation of dire need.
Yea, it can be really bad, sometimes with our network providers, you just experience annoying network failures. I’ve once been close to someone and I dialed his number and was told it is unavailable yet his phone was on and network signals were up. Anyway, we all benefit from the use of the mobile telephony as well as also suffers the effect of poor connections which maybe due to many factors including weather condition, natural disasters or technical faults to mention a few.
I haven’t seen a man who has a phone and wants to make calls and yet has not subscribed to a network. For instance, you can make calls with your mobile phones if you don’t have a SIM card that identifies you with a network provider. It’s impossible! You must have a line registered with a telecom service provider to be able to make or receive calls.
Even if a person lives very close to a telecom base station of a particular subscriber, and he is not registered on its network he can never make or receive calls. Such a person can go to anywhere to complain that he doesn’t benefit a thing from the network, he certainly has no case. In fact he maybe considered insane! He might even own the most expensive handset, if he is not connected to a service, he’s definitely on his own.
In the same vein, if you are not securely connected to God, your call will not be connected to him. Though, he is not deaf, yet will not only not answer you but you will also not be able to hear from him. He only answers and speaks to those who have his Spirit (The SIM card) in them. The Holy Spirit is the guaranty that you are his and that you are connected with him on the same frequency’.
The anger of God burns against the unrighteous daily but the righteous he shows Favour. Although he answers the prayers of a sinner who is willing to repent and follow God, but the disobedient and ungodly will not find Favour in God except he turns to him.
Some people actually blame God for their misfortunes, while some other thinks that if God is good he should have helped solve their problems even without them asking. Some argue that since God knows one’s heart why then can’t be provide one’s heart desires. Others have thought that if God is omnipotent why can’t he stop evil from happening to us. Why must he wait till we pray to him?
Same way you cannot possibly blame the telephone service providers for not being able to make or receive calls without you being an identified subscriber, it’s same way you cannot get God to bless you if you are not identified with him. You may exist but without a relationship with him you are actually not living.
You needn’t struggle with making calls if you’ve got a sim card and you are registered with the telephone service provider. Even though there may sometimes be bad connections, you are still assured that connections will be restored as soon as the barrier is taken away.
On the contrary, with God there’s never any network failure. Prayer is the telephone to God—you speak to him and he reveals his mind to you through his living word. Even when you get disconnected by sin, God is merciful to restore you back and connect you to the heavenly frequency.
Alright, pick up your phone now and call God. Be sure you’re connected and trust me, you’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 8, 2018 | Articles, Entertainment |
It is amazing to see how talents can win divine applause. Kylian Mpappe, the 19 year old French football forward and the winner of The World Cup Best Young Player award is said to have donated 100% of his pay to charity.
Motivated by the victory of France at the just concluded Russia 2018 World Cup, the amazing striker and the PSG star is to donate $203k ($29 per game) and his $305k bonus to charity organizations. I’m so thrilled by this kind gesture and love for people. This act will certainly put smiles on the faces of many indigent people as well as make God glad for his unsearchable gift to mpappe.
Our talents are given to us by God for the purpose of making profits for our benefits as well as for the benefits of humanity and ultimately for the glory of our maker, God. Every man is gifted with one special ability or the other, and as a matter of fact, no man is giftless.
We are all beautifully and wonderfully made with divine abilities and talents to make our sojourn on earth worthwhile and of course help our co-existence. Whether in sports and entertainment, business, the arts, science and technology, religious or secular, whatever special abilities we have been given, God expects goodly results that would make the world a better place.
However, we should be careful not to make our talents a tool in the hand of Satan, for nothing good comes from him. A purposeful and fulfilling talent glorifies God, while a mis-used talent displeases Him and of course offers no benefit to humanity.
Sport is a global entertainment and a potent unifying game that brings many differing minds together irrespective of tribe, color or language. Football is the most watched sport with many talented players displaying their skills for the enjoyment of millions of enthusiasts worldwide. The passion and support for the game is amazing and to many countries represented in the periodic
, the most coveted trophy is much desirous.
There are many others who have donated to charity and continues to do so but who may not be mentioned in this piece. However, I will mention a few: Christian Ronaldo is said to be on the top list of charitable sports stars. As reported by the Daily Telegraph, “Cristiano Ronaldo tops list of world’s most charitable sports stars. The Real Madrid star beats Serena Williams, John Cena, Neymar, LeBron James, Lionel Messi, Hector Bellerin, and Dan Carter to title of world’s most charitable sports star. Likewise, some of our African players who donates to charity include, Kano Nwankwo, Michael Esien, Didier Drogba to mention a few.
Ronaldo was quoted to have said, “My father always taught me that when you help other people, then God will give you double, And that’s what has really happened to me. When I have helped other people who are in need, God has helped me more.” This is simply an acknowledgement that God endowed him with talents not just for his own benefit, but also for the good of others. God is proud of such lives who are not sufficient in themselves but honor Him as their sufficiency.
Let me also mention that many of these players, and even some who may not be in the list of top charity sport stars have often acknowledged God publicly whenever they score goals, or win titles. Lionel Messi in his usual manner of celebrating goals would make the sign of the cross and raise his fingers up to heaven in acknowledgment of God the giver of his amazing talents.
This is also the manner of many Brazilian players: Kaka, Neymar, to mention a few. I remember after a World Cup victory, when Kaka and few other Brazilian players revealed their underwear T-shirt inscribed with, “I belong to Jesus!” I was inspired not because I am a Christian but because God was acknowledged as the giver of good things! I’m sure God was very pleased with such acts.
There are some other players, like Mane and Salam of Liverpool F.C, who would bow to the ground in the Islamic way, in appreciation of God. I was really inspired by the celebration style of the Colombian star, Mina when scored the equalizer against England at the 93rd minute, at Russia 2018. Whist he was been cheered by the spectators, with hand signs he shifted accolades to God by pointing to heaven and gesticulating that people should know the goal was only possible because God made it so. Rather than bask in the euphoria of the moment, he shifted attention to God who is deserving, advising the spectators that it wasn’t him, but God.
You are also talented! You’re not an evolutional freak; you’re divinely and uniquely wired with talents and possibilities. There’s a gifting in you that must be properly used for your benefit, for the good of others and ultimately for the glory of God. There’s nothing you have that has not been given to you by God, and you are accountable to him. Therefore, humble yourself under God’s mighty hand, acknowledge him in all that you do and never assume you know it all! (Proverbs 3:6; I Peter 5:7).
Celebrate your talents; be selfless, serve humanity, worship God! You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
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