When we focus too much on ourselves, we worsen our predicaments , and may sink deeper into despair. As humans, we all struggle with self-centeredness and selfishness. We tend to be selfish because all we can see is our own pains and pleasures, and most often we do not notice the pains of others.
We further sink into discontentment when our hearts are only concerned with our own pleasures. Whereas, we enjoy happiness and fulfillment when we notice and meet the needs of those who are desperate for help. One major source of happiness is taking our eyes off ourselves and our own desires, and focus on meeting the needs of others – the oppressed, the hungry, the homeless, the afflicted, the sick and helpless.
The submission of Danny Thomas is instructive: “Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplished for yourself. It’s what you do for others.” Still thinking about how to help? Look deeply within yourself and you will be amazed that there’s something you truly care about and would be your greatest pleasure if you get involved.

Some YWAW Volunteers at Old People’s Home in Lagos
40% of our happiness is determined by intentional activities, behaviour and practices that we voluntarily pursue, such as helping others, adopting positive attitude, exercise or striving for goals. Helping others is the secret sauce to happiness.
There are a number of voluntary causes that you can engage in that would put you on a platform to be of help to others in your little way. You can get involved in helping sex trafficking victims, the elderly who have no one to care for them, little kids who need help learning to read – there’s always something you can do.
You can also volunteer for a non-governmental organization who carry out humanitarian, social services or advocacy and join to serve the needs of others, The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation (YWAW) is an example of a charity and human capital development NGO that focuses on helping people especially in the area of education and empowerment.
We provide a platform for those who have passion to impact the world positively and be life savers while they also inculcate a winning lifestyles. You can volunteer with us today through this link. https://yeswearewinning.com/become-a-volunteer/
When you have made a choice of a service to render, then, commit to serve once or twice, and see how you feel. If you liked it, get involved in their their causes and give your service to humanity. “Non Sibi Sed Alis”; “Not for us but for others” Your becoming a well watered garden often comes because you feel good helping another human being. God has a way of rewarding your selfless sacrifice with healing and satisfaction that will surpass your expectations.
Yes, We Are Winning!
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