Yes, “why this waste?” You often hear that in your life, huh? I do too. I do hear it from the old man within. I hear it from friends and colleagues that tells me that am missing out on a lot of canal pleasures that my youthfulness or position should enjoy. I hear it from our culture that tells me that if I don’t accomplish certain things, or act is certain ways, my worth and relevance is in question.
I hear it from the pit of hell, that if all I do is to follow God, and give much of my time to serving God and humanity, I’m only just wasting my time. I hear that there are a lot things worth spending my life on today, and God is not in that list. So, why the waste?
My social environment constantly alerts me that it is all about me, and that in this one life that I’ve come, I must move with the flow, run town and have fun, and careless about who it hurts, as long as I am happy.
It’s a subtle and tricky voice. It can easily convince me that my business and career is is good and worth all of my time. I’m constantly prodded by the voice of reasoning that like the Biblical Martha, I must ensure that all of the “more important things” that need to be done are done before I give God my “precious time. “God understands”, they say!
Sadly but truly, some of the things we consider “more important” and worthy of our time are actually not as important, in fact, not important at all. Some activities we consider more important are just like marking time, they don’t move us forward in life. Many things we call “fun” only appeals to our emotions and sensuality, they don’t amount to profitability, and many of them have no value for eternity. So, why the waste?
When Mary argued that her sister, Martha was giving her precious time to something less important, than preparing a meal for the special guest, Christ rebuffed her saying, Mary has chosen the “one thing that is necessary “—sitting at his feet and listening to him.
Many would argue that spending time with God in worship is a waste of time; other say its boring and uneasy, while many others just simply say, there’s no enough time. Meanwhile, it is much easier to spend time surfing the Internet or browsing pictures of other people’s vacations, event or activities on Facebook. This you consider “worth wasting your life on?” Yet, it leaves you downcast and desperate after all.
I recall the words of John Piper in talking about time, he said, “one of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.” Yes, indeed! We often blame prayerlessness on lack of time, whereas we have so much time to devote to those things that are less important.
The way it applies to sacred devotion is the same way it applies to our daily lifestyle. You claim you have a vision and yet you are not disciplined enough with your time to achieve your life goals. If you’re going to be great in life, you have to devote your time to those things that matter.
As believers, we will never enjoy our friendship with God if we don’t spend quality time with Him. Time is the most precious thing we have, and without daily doing that “one necessary thing,” everything else in our lives creeps up as way more necessary than it should ever be. What would you pick as the most important things in your life?
Everything you do for God’s pleasure has eternal value; anything you do for the flesh perishes with it. Give your life to God; give your time to pursuing what is necessary and beneficial to all!
You’re winning! Yes we are winning!
Also read:THE CLIMATE OF THE TIMES: We are lords of our world