I have discovered that in recent times one of the major determinant of happiness for many people, especially Youths, is sports betting. A win guarantees financial benefits and boosts the morale of the player whereas a loss brings immediate sorrow, anguish and disillusionment for the lost of scarce resources committed to the game.
The growing interests of many young people in sports especially football is not borne out of real love for the game as it were, rather it is largely motivated by economic reasons, especially with the introduction of sports bet. It is certain that the love many Nigerians have for sports but also about making money.
The sports betting industry is billion dollar industry and growing astronomically and as become a phenomenon across Nigeria, apparently because there is good money to be made and everyone wants to be a part of it.
By reason of the money involved, disappointments and regrets often ends the happiness of many who are involved sports betting, and who have adopted it as a quick cash alternative. One reason for the display of anger, mood swing, aggravations and transfer of aggression by many sport bets enthusiasts are consequent upon failure to win sports predictions.
The increasing number of Betting companies in Nigeria is not unconnected with the economic hardship, occasioned by joblessness and widespread poverty in many homes. Sports betting and lotto has become very rampart especially among many young people and this is very worrisome.
The YWAW media team was on the street to interview some sport betting enthusiasts about how a win or lost affect their happiness and those around them. Click the link to see a short video of the interview:
The impact of unhappiness has unpleasant effect on the mental wellness as well as physical wellbeing of a person. This in turn affects those around the person who is unhappy. Since happiness is contagious, an absence of it create an atmosphere of sadness and disaffection.
As we commemorate the International Day Of Happiness, it is most appropriate to create awareness about the need to promote the things and experiences that makes us happy. To read about 10 reasons to be happy click: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/10-reasons-to-be-happy
The International Day of Happiness is celebrated worldwide every March 20,[1] and was conceptualized and founded by philanthropist, activist, statesman, and prominent United Nations special advisor Jayme Illien to inspire, mobilize, and advance the global happiness movement.[2][3][4][5][6]
For information about the top 10 countries with the highest number of happy people click the link:
You’re winning. Yes, We Are Winning!