There’s no doubt that in the place of distress there is glory, and in the place of ashes there is beauty. These were my thoughts as I watched the new world record holder, Tobi Amusan sang the Nigerian National Anthem in joyful tears at the World Athletics Championship in Oregon, USA.

Tobi Amusan, a Nigerian-born sprinter becomes the World champion and the World record holder after running for 12:06 seconds in the 100m Women’s hurdles. With this record, she becomes the winner of Nigerian first ever world championship gold medal.

Tobi Amusan wins Gold at the World Athletics Championships

The hardship and pains we go through in Nigeria has made many citizens to deny their fatherland. For want of a saner environment and greener pastures, many Nigerians have changed nationalities and have become bonafide citizens of other countries. This situation has degenerated so badly that in recent times, youths are migrating in droves to Europe where they believe they will find better platforms to fulfil their dreams and aspirations.

I was very emotional as I watched Tobi sing the Nigerian National anthem with joyful tears in her eyes. I wondered what she was thinking as she wept. For me, I was asking myself if Nigeria truly deserves this kind of honour occasioned by the greatness of a self motivated individual who like many other youths may not have been given any chance to succeed in her fatherland.

With a heavy heart I had thought about the so many talented youths who because of the difficulties and quest for survival have abandoned their noble aspirations to engage in vices that puts the nation into disrepute. Perhaps, they may have also been so honoured if their country have invested in them. Sadly, this class of Nigerians are far more than those who distinguish themselves in excellence. For instance, imagine the devastating impact of the ASUU strikes on the morals and ambitions of many Nigerian youth.

According to the commentator,  “Years and years of work for one moment of perfection and history. This is what it meant for Tobi Amusan.” You may have thousands of reasons why you can’t be excellent—you may blame it on your background, your limitations or even your country’s failure to harness your potentials. But my friend, your victory or defeat is in you. If you don’t get validation from men, validate yourself. If your society pulls you down, rise up again and again and pursue your dreams with determination and faith in God! There’s hope for your tomorrow; Rise and shine!

Oh that this “One nation bound in freedom”will truly experience peace and unity! With a great news like this, I know there’s hope for Nigeria!

Nigeria will rise!



Life is good but things do fall apart! Life still offers beauty in all its ramifications, even though it sometimes presents ugly and seemingly impossible situations.

Life is a good teacher, but sometimes teaches the hard way. Trust me, it can be really rough and tough. Life is a good friend but sometimes it can be unfair and annoying. Oftentimes, things just never go the way the way you want it. Sometimes it is OK, other times, it is unbearable.

In life, things are in transit: today, you are here; the next moment you are there. In a moment, the rich becomes poor, and by a stroke of luck, the unfortunate becomes a celebrity.

Life is dual in nature: it offers one side to me, and another side to you, and many times, not the way we plan it. In one location it is cold, in another place it is warm. It is bright here, and dark there.

Nothing ever sums up in the way we like it to be. Things fall apart when the apparent center cannot hold. In life, the center doesn’t always hold, so things would always not be as expected.

Life hurdlesLife has in its path to success, many hurdles to cross. Sometime, it can be quite easy, at other times, it would seem impossible and hopeless. Yet, life offers goodness and contentment if you have a sure connection to the true center of life, God.

Things do fall apart when the apparent center cannot hold them. The center that holds the things that gives happiness is in itself feeble. When the things that makes us happy is lost, life becomes unfriendly.

Here’s the sure thing: “GOD holds the high center, He sees and sets the world’s mess right. He decides what is right for us earthlings…GOD’s a safe-house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax; you’re never sorry you knocked.”-Ps. 9:7-10

Life offers abundant joy, but this joy is beyond human comprehension. It is supernatural. It is divinely inspired and endowed. Life is beautiful when peace floods your soul from the river of life.

When things fall apart, don’t lose your heart. It just means they are about to be put back together in a new and better way.  When everything seems like it is falling apart, that is when God is putting things together just the way HE wants it.

So, keep calm; don’t be afraid, God is at work to put your center together again. When things fall apart, don’t fall! Be strong!

You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!


Find out how to live a raidiant life below:


