by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Apr 26, 2022 | Uncategorized, Winning Quotes |
Friend, these are hard times; these are perilous days. We are all in the gutters. But while some look at the stars, others stare at their wounds. As for you, you have to be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever.
Matin Luther King counsels: “We must accept finite disappointment but we must never lose finite hope. ” Indeed, the hardship and distress of life may plunge you into depression and hopelessness, but you must never lose hope because the darkest part of the night is the nearest to the morning.
What should you do? In the words of Lee Lococco, “In times of great stress and adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and energy into something positive.”
“You never know how strong you are until when being strong is your only choice. Bob Marley
As hard it may seem, so many people are succeeding doing the right thing. You too can succeed! Take courage and stay on the right side.
You’re winning!

by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Feb 17, 2019 | Articles |
The feeling that comes from knowing that you come from royalty is ecstatic. The confident assurance of being a king, a prince or princess is rewarding and delightful. A king is powerful; his words are final, and his authority is uncontentious.
A king should live in affluence; his inheritance is the land and its people. He owns the wealth of the land and basks in the euphoria of one who rules and reigns over all things.
An aristocratic dynasty is endearing. It potents authority and power, wealth and affluence, dominion and exaltation. It is an enviable position that commands respect and honor. The word of the king is power, and his influence is over all things.
You are King, created by The Almighty God, The King of kings. You are God’s representative here on earth and you are positioned to reign over his creation. Furthermore, I will like to quote the words of Donald Lawrence, in his song, “There’s A King In You.”
He wrote, “the goal of the enemy is that you don’t know who you are. I know that life has challenged you but the King in me speaks to the King in you. You were born to rule there is a King in you. You come from royalty.”
He continued, “I know that life has challenged you. But the King in me speaks to the King in you. You were born to rule, there is a King in you. Is there no King in you then why do you speak with such defeat?. Is there no King in you then why do you speak with such low esteem?
Since there’s a king in you, you don’t have to be discouraged when life gets difficult. You don’t have to give up on your dreams, or give in to fear because you’re challenged. Life is so beautiful when we are optimistic. There’s possibilities when we put our trust in God, and do not give up on our efforts to achieve.
The King dies in him who is a pessimist. The power to surmount challenges and achieve success is dormant in a man who doesn’t see the good side of life. A pessimistic attitude isn’t very hopeful; he always expects the worst to happen. Even though there is a king in him, he is bedeviled with hopelessness and self-defeat.
The word of Lucille Ball instructive, he said, “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”
Whatever life throws at you, just be certain that there’s always a bright side of life, and it takes optimism to see it. There’s a king in you. Therefore, speak the word of hope, rekindle your passion to succeed. Don’t let the enemy take advantage of you.
You are powerful, you are an overcomer. You’re winning; Yes, we are winning!
Also read,
Read more: Donald Lawrence – There’s A King In You Lyrics | MetroLyrics
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Jan 2, 2019 | Articles |
Just as I laid in bed to rest, my entire life was flashed before me in split seconds. The fear of desperation confronted me, as my new year aspirations and expectations were put side by side with the realities of life. And in swift response, my judgement was beclouded with doubts, and anxiety that plunged me into serious panic and despair.
Just in few minutes, my mood had swung from happiness to intense fear and panic that resulted into hormonal imbalance and consequently debilitated me. I only just poured my heart to God at the cross over night few hours back, and welcomed year 2019 with hopeful expectations that the new year would birth the fulfillment of my dreams. How quickly can my renewed hope in the first day of the year, turn into despair, I had wondered.
Part of my new year goals include: to be gainfully employed after my NYSC program. I also hope to set up my business and be an employer of labour. More So, am hoping to start my M.Sc program in the current year, at least move further in my career path.
Truth is, I dread to be idle or jobless, or become a burden to my family. But I seem to be worried that this might happen to me. And this realities scares me to the bone. I felt so disillusioned and desperate. And so, my soul was suddenly flooded with the turmoil of a misfortune, and these thoughts tormented me for some hours.
After much thoughts, I decided to highlight the glaring realities and place them side by side with facts about life. The resultant wisdom and peace I got afterwards was reassuring and I felt I should share this with you.
The realities:
1. Getting a Job: with the economic situation and uncertainties in the country, it is becoming more difficult to get a job. This is an undeniable reality!
2. This implies that Out of 10 persons, only 2 New graduate might get a job. The rest would have to wait and keep trying until fortune smiles on them. While some may never be gainfully employed.
The Facts:
It is a fact, that life is so unfair that one has to be constantly positioned on the side of optimism. There’s just a thin line between faith and doubt, failure and success and of course life and death. If you blink, you slip to the other side in no time.
In life, there must fortune and misfortune, success and failure, good and bad. It is a verity of life! Therefore, it is wisdom to dwell on the side of optimism. Life is full of battles, and winning over life’s hurdles starts from the mind. A positive mindset is thus, a veritable platform for success.
Furthermore, life is a choice. As success and failure is a choice, so also is fear and faith. Each action determines where you’re placed in life. It might be temporary fulfilling to worry about realities, but ultimately it is a destructive endeavor. Thus, it is wisdom to be optimistic, and dwell on the good things of life even though time and chance happens to all.
Faith Fades Fear
Aside being positive, a man with absolute faith in God and His unfailing promises has a better chance to excel. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. You can’t do well in life if you don’t have faith in the things that doesn’t change, that is the character of God.
Fear makes you hinge your hope on the things which are temporary and unreal but faith steadies you on the storms of life. Whether you choose faith or fear, it is your choice. But it’s wisdom to chose faith over fear. And the result of choosing faith over fear is effortlessly rewarding and delightful.
Faith endears you to God who’s got all the world’s resources and can make a way where there seem to be no way. You can’t see beyond your nostrils. It is a fact! So whatever fear you anticipated for tomorrow isn’t real–its false expression appearing real. And such fear is meant to afflict and torment you! (more…)
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Nov 30, 2018 | Articles |
When someone tells you to “Get up and eat!”, ‘it means the food is prepared and ready to eat. “Get up and eat.” may also imply that the beneficiary may be fast asleep whilst the food was being prepared, or simply unaware that a meal is being prepared for him.
It may also suggest that the benefactor has been busy preparing a meal for someone who is tired and sleeping or just helpless but famished.
Sometimes, life’s challenges can hit us so hard that we become so helpless to lift ourselves up to face it. It takes a person with inner poise and a strength of character to be self- motivated in the face of severe hardship or depression.
Many people easily give in or give way to depression when confronted with seemingly hopeless situations. Some do impulsively make wrong assumptions and conclusions that it isn’t going to ever get better. Such attitude has led many to engage in despicable acts or at worst commit suicide.
Mr. Elijah was a very powerful and influential man whose words were always divinely ordered. He stood vehemently against the idolatry and injustice in the land, and was well respected for his uncompromising lifestyle.
He soon became a very powerful figure, an oracle of God, and a threat to the government of the day. He was feared, and dreaded by evil perpetrators, who neither acknowledge God or respected human rights.
King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel had a deep hatred for Mr. Elijah, and sought different avenues to get rid of him. But Elijah survived many attacks and assassination attempts, and continued to be a beacon of hope.
One would think that a powerful man who is so much feared and respected would continue to dominate the scene, and spread his positive influence on the citizens. But, for a moment, Mr. Elijah allowed himself to be wearied by moral depression, occasioned by threats from the Government.
He simply took to his heel, wishing just to die, when he got an inkling that he was going to be killed! He was downcast, and lost the strength to fight on. He gave in to the challenge, and was ready to die anyway.
He cried, “Enough is enough! God, take my life—I’m ready to die!” Amazing how a once brave man, by reason of the hardship never saw any justification to stay alive . He didn’t think life was worth living again. He never thought survival was worth the while.
Exhausted, famished and devastated, he got a call from an angel who instructed him to get up and eat because his journey of life was far from being over (1 Kings 19:3-5).
By divine intervention, Elijah got his strength back, and his motivation was rekindled. His vision was sharpened and his courage was restored. Then he stood up, ready to face life’s battle again, and empowered to face his fears.
When you are down and out, and it seems there’s no more chance to succeed, God gives you a life-line. He never fails to help the helpless who trust in Him.
Perhaps, your failed expectations have become a reoccurring decimal which have drained your mental capacity to believe in your ability to excel, I challenge you to get up and eat!
This is the time to summon up courage, rekindle your zeal and revive your hopeful expectations. Time, age, position is not a barrier. It may look so bad now, but if you can rise up from the ashes, and stretch your optimism, you can still win.
Dear friend, it is far from being over. There’s hope in your tomorrow. Get up and eat! You’ve got a long journey ahead of you. Don’t give up yet. Face your fear. Stretch yourself, push forward. Life’s beautiful!
You are winning! Yes, we are winning!