by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Sep 7, 2018 | Articles, Entertainment |
The god called Messi
From the mouth of babes and sucklings echoes the name, “Messi!!!” The frail and fragile grandmas and grandpas, the youthful and the old, all shout “Messi!”, and thousands of fans sing his praise uncontrollably. “Messi is football and football is Messi. The atmosphere was electric and the 99,000 capacity stadium was almost filled to capacity.
It was an evening of beautiful football with Barcelona playing at home against Huesda football club. Not only that the Huesda FC was a lesser opposition but the knowledge that Lionel Messi would be on the pitch was enough motivation. For fans and football enthusiasts, paying over €100 for the ticket, and traveling a long distance to the Camp Nou would definitely not be an issue.
“Messi is god, as a person and even more as a player.” I didn’t appreciate this statement made by Samuel Eto’o until I watched the devotion and love for Messi being displayed by fans and spectators on the field over and over again.
Carlos Tevez was quoted saying, “Messi, he is from another planet.” True to Carlos Tevez’s statement, Messi is the main point of reference and the key man in the whole Barça team. This was evident in all the acholades and ovations that is bestowed on Messi in and out of the pitch both by fans, members of his team and coaches.
The 31 years old Argentina- born Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini is no doubt one of the world’s best player of the round-leather game. He remains a legend and a true definition of a football idol! He is undoubtedly a football star! For more on Lionel Messy click:

As I made my way to the Camp Nou, located at the outskirts of the city of Barcelona, I was full of expectations as I had eagerly looked forward to seeing the match. At some point I was confused about the direction to Collblanc, which is supposed to be my final metro stop.
While I stood to wonder which way I should go, I saw a large crowd of football enthusiasts wearing the Barca jerseys and moving towards same direction. I immediate joined them and followed confidently knowing that I was in the right direction . On arrival at the Collblanc subway station, I didn’t need anyone to direct me. I just joined the company of Jersy-wearing football enthusiasts to the stadium. It was only a 5 minutes walk from the train station.
The loudest applauds in the stadium was when Messi was with the ball and the loudest pity was when he was fouled! You could feel the passion and love for him. He’s adored, greatly cherished. The devotion to him is amazing, nothing short of a god! You would see the spectators at the side of the corner stood up to hail him as he walked to take a corner kick. For more of Messi’s Praise click:
The rousing ovation is ecstatic! The adoration is celestial. And as I watch on I began to wonder if many of these people would adorn God in this manner. The jerseys won by many fans were those of Messi! He’s the idol of Barcelona. I’m very sure he will be immortalized as the greatest player baca has ever had.
In 2012, Javier Mascherano said of Messi, “ Although he may not be human, it’s good that Messi still thinks he is.” In spite of being adorned as the best player in the world, Messi does not take this glory to himself. For this, I’m glad! This is evident in how he offers thanks to the God of heaven whenever he scores.
This should serve as a lesson to the teaming fans and spectators that Messi is only a gifted tool in the hand of God to entertain humanity with the game of football. This ought to be the attitude of every gifted persons.
We all belong to God and he has endowed each of us with specific and unique talents that should be used for our profits, and edification of others, and ultimately to the glory of our creator. We have been given diverse gifts and divine abilities. Therefore, we should make every efforts to use them rightly and in such a way that God will be pleased with us, and we will be a blessing to humanity.
What is in your hand? Use it; stretch yourself beyond your limit, because there’s a potential in you. You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Aug 31, 2018 | Articles, Politics |
They are here again! See them at the workshops; the political situation is heated up now and the table seem to be turning against their plots. Look at the political god-makers; they have gone into overtime production, crafting new models of politics, making and deploying new strategies, employing substitution and elimination methods, and plotting graphs to achieve their self-seeking agenda.
See how they are moving and changing camps; friends are becoming enemies and enemies are turning friends. They say to each other, “let’s just do this for the interest of our democracy. Let’s unite to defeat our common enemies, and establish our dominion yet again.” But, we know that, soon after they achieve their aims, they will go in their different ways and pursue their personal agendas.
In every polity, there are those who call the shots; they are the pioneers, initiators, shakers and movers of the political terrain. Some of them are called kingmakers or god-makers having constituted themselves as political gods in their locality. We are not strangers to their schemes; we almost know what’s next on their agenda, even though we seem powerless to undue their manipulations.

Political Decampment
By their influence, they determine the political atmosphere of their territory either by crook or by hook. Those who gets nominated to contest elections as well those who wins the elections are determined by these political god-makers.
They don’t ever want to lose an election, so they muzzle up resources; they buy up the consciences of their followers and continue to endear many gullible persons to their sides.
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Aug 24, 2018 | Articles, Politics |
In a random street interview, Mr. Pius, an artisan, was asked about his opinion on vote buying. He wasn’t hesitant to say that if he sees a good offer he wouldn’t mind to get paid to vote for the highest bidder. Trust me, his response is reflective of many potential voters whose interest is in the immediate financial gratification.
For Pius, Nigerian politics has not benefited many Nigerians, and it is useless to believe in the promises of our politicians. ‘Therefore, whatever I can get in the immediate, I will accept since am not sure of what the future holds’, he enthused. This submission by Mr. Pius, a graduate of Arts turned driver is heartbreaking and sad!
Truth is, we are fed up with the recycling of politicians, tribalism and zoning of national leaders that only promotes individual and regional interests! All we are asking for are caring, selfless and visionary leaders who would take us out of the miry clay of poverty and underdevelopment and put us at par with developed nations, irrespective of political affiliations.
We need leaders who will not only be proud they have provided us water, roads, free lunch, power and what have you, but servant-leaders who would exceed expectations and execute innovative programs that would make our country an envy in the commonwealth of nations.
We don’t want to continue to live with failed and unfulfilled promises, manifestos and agendas that are only pronounced during election campaigns and on the pages of Newspapers. We have circled this mountain too long and we refuse to be deceived any further. We no longer want to be named among the corrupt, the extremely poor, the desperate, or the unfortunate nations. We are a land flowing with milk and honey and we want to eat of the good fruits of the land.

A slum in Nigeria
When it was recently published that Nigeria has overtaken Indian in poverty index as the country with most extreme poor people in the world, the Nigerian government immediately dismissed this facts as it is their custom to refute unfriendly criticism which in their opinion seeks to undermine the development efforts of the government.
When India was ahead on poverty index why did the Nigerian government not say that the report from the Bookings institution was false? Why did we not refute the report that Nigeria is the biggest economy in Africa, even though our unemployment rate is on the rise?
But my query is, what evidence can the government show as their effort to eradicate poverty—partial rehabilitated roads, unfair ban on importation of staple foods, provision of inadequate security, zero unemployment or fight against corruption? In spite of the policies that are said to be introduced by past and present administrations, why is 50% of our population still rated extremely poor? Search me!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Aug 8, 2018 | Articles, Entertainment |
I bet you you wouldn’t know that spot on Katampe hill is the center of Nigeria unless someone had told you. What would have been an ultimate search experience for me turned out to be an easy task because my friend who had earlier visited led me to that spot.

Geographical Center of Nigeria
It’s really very shameful and disappointing that there’s no unique landmark to symbolize the geographical center of Nigeria. This I consider very absurd and a failure of the government in harnessing our rich eco-tourism potentials.
Katampe Hill is a granite outcrop and one of Abuja’s highest points. A panoramic view from the top of the katampe hill gives another beautiful side attraction you would love to experience. The Aso Radio is strategically located at the top of the hill providing a clear radio signal up to Niger state.
Any foreign tourist or an adventurous person would love to visit a landmark like the geographical center of a city or country. If I happen to visit any city where the center of the country is located, I would certainly want to see the center of such city. This spot should of course be an endearing monument for any tourist. But sadly, the Katampe hill has nothing attractive to endear tourists to its beautiful structure. I have seen how some countries symbolize their geographical centers: America, France, Europe to mention few built a unique monument around their center to attract tourists and to give a brief history of such phenomenon. But Nigeria’s geographical center is unadorned.
Like I mentioned in my previous article, “The Zuma Rock is sad!”, ‘the relevant authorities should promote, as well as create the enabling environment for private investors to develop the ecotourism potential of our beautiful country in order to reduce dependency on Crude oil.’
The geographical center of Nigeria should be a monument, and tourists attraction site that would endear many to Katampe hill, and of course to the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria.
The Government needs to, as a matter of urgency and priority develop the eco-tourism potentials of the country. We need to promote our natural endowments and make Nigeria top on the holiday destinations of many tourists.
Nigeria is blessed!
Yes, we are winning!
by Mark Ibigbami GreatMark | Aug 8, 2018 | Articles |
It was a bright and beautiful Monday morning. The staff and students of the City Center College were looking animated and radiant at the usual 7:30 a.m. assembly. Mr. John Paul, nicknamed “Mr. Move” was the teacher on duty and so in his usual manner, he was conducting the assembly in a dramatic manner.
First, a song from the Songs of Praise (SOP), then The Lord’s Prayers followed by instructions and warnings to be well behaved, studious, and disciplined within and outside the school. And then the Principal urged debtors to pay up their school fees before the deadline. He wished the students a fruitful week ahead, and walked away.
“Attention!”, alerted Mr. ‘Move.’ With a stern look he commanded, “In a straight and undisturbed line, march to your classrooms with immediate alacrity.” The students took dressing immediately and were set for the March. Just then, a student raised a song and the rest students joined in singing, “We are able to go up and take the mountain…move on to the righteous side…”
It wasn’t any song different from what Mr. John would advise anytime it is his turn to conduct the assembly. Hence, they nicknamed him, Mr. “move” Mr John looked with excitement as he watched the students march to their various classrooms. But, at some point he tried to call the students to order for singing a chorus wrongly, but the students were too excited to stop. “…move on to the righteous side ‘with’ God, and not ‘of’ God, he alarmed.
Mr. John looked frustrated because he was again unable to identify the group of senior students who are in the habit of singing the chorus wrongly. Even though he had corrected them many times, these group of students deliberately would do this to poke him. “I’ll get you guys soon”, he retorted, as he walked to his office.

Nigerian political deflectors
Yes, whenever the students say, “move on to the righteous side of God”, Mr. John would insist it is “move on to the righteous side with God.” Therefore, the contention has been with the words, “‘of’ and ‘with’” He had explained severally that God does not have an unrighteous side, hence it makes no sense to say, move on to the righteous side of God. To say, move on to the righteous side of God means God has both righteous and unrighteousness sides.
It is indeed true that God is righteous and there is no iota of unrighteousness in Him. His nature is holy and pure and there is no imperfections in him. He’s not man that would lie or fail. He’s invincible and unsearchable. It is therefore impossible for him to be unrighteousness! Therefore anyone who would move to his side will only be moving “with” him to the righteous side and not moving to the righteous side “of” him.
This truth comes to mind at this season of decampment and deflections in Nigeria’s political terrain. Prior to every election year, there’s usually factionalism which is often occasioned by displeasure from members of political parties. This then results into aggrieved members decamping to opposition parties to seek elections or re-elections as the case may be.
I’m not about to discuss political parties and deflections, but just to mention that being the rave of the moment there is a critical lessons that can be helpful to our lives. Beyond the seasons of deflections, decampments, and impeachments, one call that has remained persistent and appealing is the call to decamp. It is a clarion call to every man irrespective of political affiliations, social status or what have you, to move from the camp of God-haters, unrighteousness, self-centeredness, injustice, and all forms of wickedness to the righteous side with God.
This call to decamp is an undying call from a loving and compassionate God who has extended his grace to all men, for the purpose of snatching them away from the camp of Satan who is destined for destruction along with those who follow him.

God’s calling
Many people have joined the camp of the enemy by virtue of their associations and affiliations, and this maybe political, social or even spiritual. For the purpose of worldly achievements, fame and glory some people have joined diabolical camps and cults, like illuminati, church of satan, ogboni to mention a few.
They have in place of worldly recognition sold their souls to eternal condemnations, and have become antagonists of rightful living. Such are those who are constantly being called to decamp and and move on to the righteous side with God. Political leaders are called to embrace righteousness and show mercy; followers are called to be God-lovers, and spiritual leaders are called to stay on the side of the truth no matter the pressures.
You don’t necessarily have to be in cults to decamp. As long as you are on the side of the immoral, cheats, corrupted, slave masters, liars, abominable, and violent offenders; you certainly need to decamp to the righteous side with God.
Our society needs people who are loving, and who fear God. We need leaders who are selfless and patriotic. When we all stand with God, only then can we build a vibrant nation that will dwell in peace and prosperity. For it is righteousness that exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to the people. “God-devotion makes a country strong; God-avoidance leaves people weak.” (Proverbs 14:34 MSG).
At this season of political defections; I urge you to decamp, move to the righteous side with God and embrace peace. You’re winning! Yes, we are winning!
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