About Us
The Yes, We Are Winning Foundation is a Charity and Human Capital Development Non-Governmental Organization which is established to inspire people to attain their full potentials, and inculcate a winning culture in a challenging environment.
Our Causes
At YWAW, we believe in the words of Dalai Lama which says “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive”. Our causes are channeled toward support and uplifting people who suffer as a result of their needs.
Support Us
Join us in our campaign to help to meet the needs of the financially challenged, physically impaired, and medically deficient. We solicit your support through generous donations in volunteerism in order to achieve our noble cause.
Help Change a
Life Forever
Our Mission
To engender a movement of people who are equipped with the right attitude, behavior and a winning culture, and poised to pursue excellence in all life endeavors. Thereby promoting wellbeing, peace, human development and social justice among all race or creed without prejudice.
Our Vision
To impact people with a winning mindset by promoting a culture of excellence and ethical values through mentorship and human capacity development.
Help Change a
Life Forever
Our Mission
To engender a movement of people who are equipped with the right attitude, behavior and a winning culture, and poised to pursue excellence in all life endeavors. Thereby promoting wellbeing, peace, human development and social justice among all race or creed without prejudice.
Our Mission
To impact people with a winning mentality by promoting a culture of excellence and morality through mentorship and human capacity development
YWAW Programs & Projects
We endeavor to touch and positively impact lives through our projects. We are delighted to share our success stories with you
Empowering Futures: PROJECT 555
Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts. Investing in those in need is the ultimate investment. Contribute to our Educational Scholarship Program via the YWAW Foundation.
Sponsor a Child to School
Your little contribution will make many more indigent children smile.
Project Kit Up A Child
As part of our advocacy programs for quality education, we have embarked on an appeal to raise funds for indigent students of public primary and secondary schools in selected schools in Lagos so as to provide basic school kits such as textbooks, note books, bags,...
“I will dropout of school if…”
A Passionate appeal reached our desk about a number of students who could not resume back to school because of the inability of their parents to pay their school fees. This is largely due to the economic downturn resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. A brilliant...
How to Support Us
YWAW welcome support, participation, and contribution from both individuals and corporate entities in whatever form or capacity. The major channels of support are provided in the liks below.

By availing yourself to join in our programs take up a role in whatever form or capacity.

Joining forces with the YWAW empowers us to make a meaningful impact together, driving positive change and supporting their noble causes.

By donating funds to a cause, project, or campaign, whether one-off or recurrent
Program Beneficiaries
Total Volunteers
Supporting Partners
Testimonials About Us
Hear what people are saying about us
YWAW group has being a great motivation to my life. The messages and write-up on the group platform has being inspirational to my daily living. When the administrators of the group decide to go further in imparting physically in people’s life, I say to myself, this is why I am being bless by the group and is time I bless someone in return. Looking at the laudable projects that YWAW is embarking on; visiting the correctional homes, hanging out with aged people at old people’s home, celebrating with the motherless babies etc these are project that require a lot of funds and other resources. Though, our contribution is just a drop but YWAW is making an ocean out of it. I am happy and proud to associate with the YWAW. God bless us all. Yes We Are Winning.
I have always welcomed Beautiful and inspiring ideas like those of the Yes we are winning team. I support genuine empowerment initiatives that makes indigent persons discover their lives’ purpose and make them financially independent. When I heard of the home of the elderly, I took advantage of this to be part of the volunteers and to contribute financially to helping the needy. I believe in the course of inculcating a winning attitude, and I’ll be ready to support this foundation going forward.
I saw a couple of projects organized by the Yes we are winning foundation and so I decided to be part of the humanitarian services. Although, I haven’t been able to be part of the various visits and project implementation but I have always believed it is a course worth supporting. Anytime I couldn’t be physically present, I ensure that my money go for me. I’m proud of the strides of this vibrant team and am certain hat the sky is just the beginning.
Why Trust Us
Our integrity in the adequate utilization of funds and contributions we receive from our generous donor is evidenced by the projects we have successfully concluded an those currently in progress. We are duty bound by the ethos of our operations to ensure compliance with regulatory authorities and full observance of due processes.
Furthermore, we are a registered non-profit body and as such conduct internal audits on our financial processes and inventory cyclic checks to keep our books balanced always.
You can rest assured your contributions to us are well-channeled to their respective causes.
Become a Volunteer
Do you like to teach, inspire and inculcate a winning attitude that helps people surmount life challenges. Are you a cheerful giver?